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Thread: Some questions about test...

  1. #1

    Question Some questions about test...

    I just finished a cycle of sust/deca and felt like shit (extremely tired and lethargic) the whole time I was on. Could this have been cuased by the mix of short/long ester test that's in sustanon? I was also wondering if there is a certain kind of test (enanthate,cypionate, etc.) that generally doesn't cause people to be lethargic. Or could this have been caused by the deca? Any input would be appreciated because I am planning out another cycle for when I come back from winter break (college). Thanks bros!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    How were your gains on the cycle? Deca is known for making people feel less like themselves due to the harsh HPTA shut down but coupled with test you shouldnt have felt this. Possibly your sust was fake. You could have other health problems not due to steroids at all that had this effect. Its hard to say what happened. However Test is Test and they all work the same in the body so there isnt going to be one that makes you feel better.

    Maybe for your next cycle stay away from harsh shutdowns such as fina, deca. Look at compounds like EQ, dbo, winny, etc instead.

  3. #3
    I was pretty happy with my gains. I put on about 20 pounds, but I just started PCT so I hope I can retain about 15 pounds of this. I ran 10mg nolva ed during cycle also. My strength shot up like crazy at about the end of week 6. I did notice acne and the tiredness as sides, but when I went to the gym I just busted out my routine like nothing. I gained 40 pounds on my bench by the end of week 7, so I'm pretty happy. I'm just gonna work on cutting and see where I'm at before next cycle. If I can cut down to 230 (I'm 240 right now) without losing muscle mass, I'll be pretty happy. I ran sust at 525mg/week shooting on sunday, tuesday, and thursday (best way to work with my schedule and still almost eod) and my deca started at 300mg/week then I upped it a little to 350mg/week (mixed it with my sust and shot 3 times a week).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i was just talkin to my friend about somthin along these lines. i told him when i was on test e (my first cycle at 500 mg/week) i was extreemely energetic at most times and had a very good overall being about me. ive been of for about a month and seem to be very sluggish and tired all the time, im not sure what the acutall cause is or if the test really energized me but i could tell the difference big time. by the way i gained 33 pnds on that cycle and massive strength gains (187 to 220)

  5. #5
    I'm gonna talk to my bro and see if he'll trade me what I have left (unopened) for some test e. I just don't think my body agreed with the sust or deca at all. So I'm just gonna run pct and wait a few month, bring my body fat down a little more then hit it again.

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