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Thread: Winny + Test Suspension???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    the NY area

    Question Winny + Test Suspension???

    Any comments on the outcome of a Winny and Test Suspension cycle?

    I understand Test Susp is usually bulking, and Winny is cutting, but would the combination have an outcome of much better strength and size (susp) as well as definition and cuts (winny) ???

    also, any comments or critisims of Winny or Suspension in the liquid drop form that goes under the tongue??

    thanks a lot men the help and suggestions are appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Go for injection on both. I will warn you, it's gonna hurt!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    the NY area
    haha i've been through a couple injecting cycles so im used to the pain, but are you totally against the drops? do they work? i respect your opinion bro i've read a lot of your posts and u seem to kno ur shit

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Red Stick La.
    Susp., has a very short half-life (twice/day inj. are optimum), but with dialed in diet, will make an excellent cutter, provided you can keep your nerve for the duration of the cycle shooting 2 times a day!

    If you have Test Prop. available to you however, I would prefer it over susp.,as it only needs to be inj. EOD, but there again ED is optimum and is the only way I would run it.

    Preferably, I would not run the test less than 8 weeks, 10 is better and depending on cycle history 12 would be the best. Do not run the winny longer than 6 weeks!

    So if you had an 8 weeker, you would throw the winny in 2 weeks into the cycle.

    One more note, if you get tired of all the injs. you can drink the winny with no prob., but I just as soon mix the two in the same syringe and let it rip!

    Hope that helps.

    Last edited by ranran; 11-08-2005 at 06:49 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    the NY area
    thanks a lot Ran that did help . . . i didnt realize i could just mix two like that and go for it

    so your not opposed to the liquid drops for winny or suspension?

    also do you think winny and a topical for of Anadrol would make for a better combo?

    the only reason i think about the topical Anadrol is because it is said to be pretty effective, and the topical form does not stress the liver the way the pills do . . . but is the topical anadrol still as effective and does it have a good outcome with winny?

    thanks for the pateince im still learning haha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    the NY area

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    injecting winny and susp at once is going to be like injecting broken glass get ready for some pain

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