Originally Posted by
Sure it's true in regards to using higher amounts of protein.You can go to gropep and read what they say in regards to that matter.With cell cultures,anyway.
As for hyper-plasma.There is very little indication that it can occur in humans.It's strickly speculation at this time.Those who claim great gains on IGF,are just that,CLAIMS.They could have made better gains because of increased protein period!Far too many factors come into play when ppl state these claims.Like I said,there is no proof of hyper-plasma.Til the time comes, that we, the general public are shown conclusive studies,it's all speculation.
Furthermore.Talk to people who have ran IGF many times.See if they say they attribute any muscle mass to IGF.90 % will say no.They will however say it's a great cutting hormone.That cannot be denied.