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Thread: IGF-just hype?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    IGF-just hype?

    I understand that the main purpose of IGF is to increase the number of muscle cells present in the tissue. I've researched that it is so effective that it changes genetic capabilities in terms of muscle tissue and cell count. I'm curious as to your personal experiences with it, is it all hype or can it really make the skinnest guy develop muscles despite genetic make up?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Some guy in my gym uses IGF-1 and he said he gained an inch on his arms in 2 weeks.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jnrmrplymouth
    Some guy in my gym uses IGF-1 and he said he gained an inch on his arms in 2 weeks.
    Your friend's a liar. J/K....but no, seriously.....he is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack
    Your friend's a liar. J/K....but no, seriously.....he is.
    He was using a load of other steroids aswell. He uses just about everything so the use of IGF-1 probably added to the size. I'll ask him more about it next week.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    wrong forum, you should post this in the HGH, IGF, Slin forum. But I have had good results with IGF, but it is not for beginners. You should have a good muscular base and some steroid cycles under your belt first. Plus its kind of expensive too

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack
    Your friend's a liar. J/K....but no, seriously.....he is.
    I swore you were asking for opinions.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnrmrplymouth
    Some guy in my gym uses IGF-1 and he said he gained an inch on his arms in 2 weeks.
    Your friend is giving you a load of BS pal.I'm on my 7th IGF cycle right now,and I ONLY shoot my Bi's.Guess what?They don't get any bigger.

    On a cycle of IGF hyper-plasma will be microscopic at best.I've yet to see anyone claim great muscle gains on IGF.You'll most likely lean out on a cycle.Maybe a little weight gain due to an uptick in glycogen storage.That's it.
    Now if one would cycle it for a year straight.The possibility of reaping rewards through hyper-plasma would be possible.Let's not forget genetics.You don't have them,all the drugs in the world won't help much at all.


  8. #8
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    Run it for a year? Does it ever start to lose effect? I have been looking to see the longest time an IGF cycle should be ran. Should you go on,off,on to get the most out of it. That is what it has been sounding like to me.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by D.Rod 004
    Run it for a year? Does it ever start to lose effect? I have been looking to see the longest time an IGF cycle should be ran. Should you go on,off,on to get the most out of it. That is what it has been sounding like to me.
    Key word "CYCLE" in 30 on/30 off.Although that 30 day time frame is quite debatable.I've yet to see a study that suggests LR3 IGF-1(or rIGF-1) down regulates(receptors) at the 30 day mark.


  10. #10
    pinnacle are you getting liquid IGF...?

  11. #11
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    pinnacle are you getting liquid IGF...?
    I've used both Reconstituted and Lyophilized.I like LR3 IGF-1 very much.But the claims made saying you grow on one cycle of IGF are over-exaggerations.If it were just me that wasn't growing muscle mass on IGF, I'd keep my opinion to myself and chalk it up as lack of genetics.But I have far to many friend at my gym that have ran it,and none have claimed to have gained muscle size(I've seen the results first hand).Everyone does lean out quite a bit though.Appears to be a great cutting drug(although quite pricey)but muscle increase is very debatable at this time.When/if studies are ever done,we'll know the exact amount of hyper-plasma associated with a cycle of LR3 IGF-1.I'm willing to speculate that when/if studies are done,the results(from a cycle of IGF) will show that hyper-plasma will be extremely minimal.


  12. #12
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    Jul 2004
    i find that i respond very well to lr3 but the most i gained on a lr3 only cycle is 1.5kg. in a 4 week cycle.

    @lion why are you asking about the liquid(pre-mixed) igf? i find that there is'nt any difference in it compared to lyophilzid powder.


  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Your friend is giving you a load of BS pal.I'm on my 7th IGF cycle right now,and I ONLY shoot my Bi's.Guess what?They don't get any bigger.

    On a cycle of IGF hyper-plasma will be microscopic at best.I've yet to see anyone claim great muscle gains on IGF.You'll most likely lean out on a cycle.Maybe a little weight gain due to an uptick in glycogen storage.That's it.
    Now if one would cycle it for a year straight.The possibility of reaping rewards through hyper-plasma would be possible.Let's not forget genetics.You don't have them,all the drugs in the world won't help much at all.


    perfect objectivity........................

  14. #14
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    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I've used both Reconstituted and Lyophilized.I like LR3 IGF-1 very much.But the claims made saying you grow on one cycle of IGF are over-exaggerations.If it were just me that wasn't growing muscle mass on IGF, I'd keep my opinion to myself and chalk it up as lack of genetics.But I have far to many friend at my gym that have ran it,and none have claimed to have gained muscle size(I've seen the results first hand).Everyone does lean out quite a bit though.Appears to be a great cutting drug(although quite pricey)but muscle increase is very debatable at this time.When/if studies are ever done,we'll know the exact amount of hyper-plasma associated with a cycle of LR3 IGF-1.I'm willing to speculate that when/if studies are done,the results(from a cycle of IGF) will show that hyper-plasma will be extremely minimal.

    Everyone reacts different, but how much protein do you use while on LR3?

    My first 2 LR3 cycles I got a half inch on my arms. Protein is the key to muscle gains with LR3, you're eating to much when your gas smells like something died Yogurt can help with that smell, it comes from bacteria eating the undigested protein, the smell is the bacterias waste from eating the undigested protein. I've found acidophilus helps, it's the live cultures that are in yogurt.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Thanks for sharing your experiences guys.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    Everyone reacts different, but how much protein do you use while on LR3?

    My first 2 LR3 cycles I got a half inch on my arms. Protein is the key to muscle gains with LR3
    Soo true..

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by mister.fantastic
    Soo true..
    Sure it's true in regards to using higher amounts of protein.You can go to gropep and read what they say in regards to that matter.With cell cultures,anyway.

    As for hyper-plasma.There is very little indication that it can occur in humans.It's strickly speculation at this time.Those who claim great gains on IGF,are just that,CLAIMS.They could have made better gains because of increased protein period!Far too many factors come into play when ppl state these claims.Like I said,there is no proof of hyper-plasma.Til the time comes, that we, the general public are shown conclusive studies,it's all speculation.
    Furthermore.Talk to people who have ran IGF many times.See if they say they attribute any muscle mass to IGF.90 % will say no.They will however say it's a great cutting hormone.That cannot be denied.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    .Talk to people who have ran IGF many times.See if they say they attribute any muscle mass to IGF.90 % will say no.They will however say it's a great cutting hormone.That cannot be denied.


    I can vouch for that statement all day.............

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    since when is igf a hormone?

    also if it doenst do shit...why have ya taken 7 cycles of it? must be doing somethign for ya...

  20. #20
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G
    since when is igf a hormone?
    Then what it is exactly?Please do elaborate in detail as I'm very interested in hearing/reading your in depth definition.

    Are you saying insulin isn't a hormone either?As in a polypeptide hormone.


  21. #21
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    Brent_G IGF-I is a hormone...what are you talking about? Practically any chemical messenger in the body is a hormone.

  22. #22
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    it is a chain of amino acids similar to ones that are prevelant in pre-pubescent young people. The same chain that accounts for the growth spurts encountered by pre-pubescent people.

    This is what accounts for the growth that people encounter through hyperplasia when using IGF-1.

    No hormones are present with IGF-1.

  23. #23
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G
    it is a chain of amino acids similar to ones that are prevelant in pre-pubescent young people. The same chain that accounts for the growth spurts encountered by pre-pubescent people.

    This is what accounts for the growth that people encounter through hyperplasia when using IGF-1.

    No hormones are present with IGF-1.
    I suggest that you research further before making ludicrous comments.Just read the first line or two in this profile.If you require further information I'll be glad to supply it.It's just that this "easily found" piece happened to be right at your very own finger tips.But I understand you were "blinded" in your attempt to debunk my statement.

    Happy Holidays

    Last edited by Pinnacle; 12-20-2005 at 10:01 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G
    it is a chain of amino acids similar to ones that are prevelant in pre-pubescent young people. The same chain that accounts for the growth spurts encountered by pre-pubescent people.

    This is what accounts for the growth that people encounter through hyperplasia when using IGF-1.

    No hormones are present with IGF-1.
    IGF-I is a hormone. All human tissue and hormones are made of amino acids. A growth spurt proves nothing when discussing hyperplasia, how the hell do you know your cells aren't just getting bigger? I dont really know what else to say, except, you are wrong!!

  25. #25
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    Definiton of hormone: (n)

    A substance, usually a peptide or steroid, produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream to another to effect physiological activity, such as growth or metabolism.

    And guess what? IGF is a peptide conveyed by the bloodstream to effect physiological activity!

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G
    since when is igf a hormone?

    also if it doenst do shit...why have ya taken 7 cycles of it? must be doing somethign for ya...
    all the "ya"s don't do well for credibility either.

  27. #27
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    Nov 2005
    There is no point to arguing. So im not going to. Think what you want... cause im sure everyone is gonna make some sarcastic comment after this.

    but pinnacle... can you please tell me what hyper-plasma is? i know what hyperplasia is but not sure on the plasma part?

    i guess if we are picking apart peoples grammar and spelling someone would explain it to me.. Or maybe mike can get a defination of hyper-plasma for me.. ?

    haha anyways if you want me to say you guys are right and im wrong. FINE. you are Gods of the igf and im just a low post count peasant that cannot think for myself.

    So is it all hype? ???

    sorry for "challenging" your knowledge...

  28. #28
    brent i think hyper-plasma is when your plasma explodes outta your body??? LMAO

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaysonl1424
    brent i think hyper-plasma is when your plasma explodes outta your body??? LMAO
    EXACTLY!!!Isn't that what we all strive for?

    It appears spell check can work against you,as well as for you.


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Sure it's true in regards to using higher amounts of protein.You can go to gropep and read what they say in regards to that matter.With cell cultures,anyway.

    As for hyper-plasma.There is very little indication that it can occur in humans.It's strickly speculation at this time.Those who claim great gains on IGF,are just that,CLAIMS.They could have made better gains because of increased protein period!Far too many factors come into play when ppl state these claims.Like I said,there is no proof of hyper-plasma.Til the time comes, that we, the general public are shown conclusive studies,it's all speculation.
    Furthermore.Talk to people who have ran IGF many times.See if they say they attribute any muscle mass to IGF.90 % will say no.They will however say it's a great cutting hormone.That cannot be denied.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    I've used both Reconstituted and Lyophilized.I like LR3 IGF-1 very much.But the claims made saying you grow on one cycle of IGF are over-exaggerations.If it were just me that wasn't growing muscle mass on IGF, I'd keep my opinion to myself and chalk it up as lack of genetics.But I have far to many friend at my gym that have ran it,and none have claimed to have gained muscle size(I've seen the results first hand).Everyone does lean out quite a bit though.Appears to be a great cutting drug(although quite pricey)but muscle increase is very debatable at this time.When/if studies are ever done,we'll know the exact amount of hyper-plasma associated with a cycle of LR3 IGF-1.I'm willing to speculate that when/if studies are done,the results(from a cycle of IGF) will show that hyper-plasma will be extremely minimal.

    I guess you didnt get it...

  31. #31
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    Hyperplasia is an abnormal increase in the number of cells in an organ or a tissue with consequent enlargement.

    Hypertrophy is A nontumorous enlargement of an organ or a tissue as a result of an increase in the size rather than the number of constituent cells: muscle hypertrophy.

    Hypertrophy is what AASs and training do. Hyperplasia is still up in the air if it occurs in humans, will GH and IGF being possible causes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G
    it is a chain of amino acids similar to ones that are prevelant in pre-pubescent young people.
    You do realize IGF is present in the human body during all stages of life?

  32. #32
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G
    I guess you didnt get it...
    I acknowledged my typo/typo's in post 29.Apparently you didn't get it.
    Is this your way of trying to claim victory?When in fact your ludicrous comment in regards to IGF dwarfs anything you could possibly type in an attempt to throw up a smoke screen.

    So you still actually believe your statement(IGF is not a hormone)?


  33. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Actually i do agree with both of you . i just believe the word hormone is used to liberally...

    Alot of it has to do with the fact that you no pct to run it. Its not illegal like all the other hormones.

    But all in all i agree with both of you. I just like to challenge people and get a further explanation.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Definiton of hormone: (n)

    A substance, usually a peptide or steroid, produced by one tissue and conveyed by the bloodstream to another to effect physiological activity, such as growth or metabolism.

    And guess what? IGF is a peptide conveyed by the bloodstream to effect physiological activity!
    yep and a chain of amino acids bounded together chemically is a peptide.

    A peptide with more than 100 Amino acids is a protein.

    Because the Amino Acids bind together the R-NH2 and the OOHC-R group of the acids to an R-NHCO-R Peptide bond with an H2O forming in this process.
    Last edited by NewBreed; 12-26-2005 at 09:40 PM.

  35. #35
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    I used to get shocked on how good it worked the first time.

    Like from the first minute, my cells have gotten tighter and were beginning to start something like mitosis.

    I could nearly hear the telomers going into their polar cell position, strechting every cell out, the LR3 was reacting with.So my whole physique looked tighter and stronger from day 2 on.

    No real weightgain, but pure definition and cuts and shredded, plastically formed muscle fibres. Oh, and great strength gains and immune system as well, btw.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G
    it is a chain of amino acids similar to ones that are prevelant in pre-pubescent young people. The same chain that accounts for the growth spurts encountered by pre-pubescent people.

    This is what accounts for the growth that people encounter through hyperplasia when using IGF-1.

    No hormones are present with IGF-1.

    so i guess they shouldnt call growth hormone..growth hormone then cause its a chain of amino acids?

    GH is now GA growth acids
    brent your a genius somebody please give this guy the nobel prize

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewBreed
    I used to get shocked on how good it worked the first time.

    Like from the first minute, my cells have gotten tighter and were beginning to start something like mitosis.

    I could nearly hear the telomers going into their polar cell position, strechting every cell out, the LR3 was reacting with.So my whole physique looked tighter and stronger from day 2 on.

    No real weightgain, but pure definition and cuts and shredded, plastically formed muscle fibres. Oh, and great strength gains and immune system as well, btw.
    ?? That is some pretty crazy stuff...

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G
    Actually i do agree with both of you . i just believe the word hormone is used to liberally...

    Alot of it has to do with the fact that you no pct to run it. Its not illegal like all the other hormones.

    But all in all i agree with both of you. I just like to challenge people and get a further explanation.
    Man, there are hundreds if not thousands of different hormones in the body. And some (like DHEA) can even be sold OTC as a supplement in the US.

  39. #39
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    IGF, Gh, Epo, GHRH, LH, FSH are all peptide-hormones from pituary-gland.

    They all consist out of a chain of AAs and a secondary structure where parts of this chain are bondend together, so that this AA-chain becomes folded .

    Then there maybe a tertiary structure, so i.e. the gh, becomes something like a wool-ball.

    There may even be a quartery structure, but all of the folding is essential for the activity of the hormone.

    Ever heard of prions?-Proteins behaving like a virus! Protein= peptides with >than 100aas.
    Last edited by NewBreed; 12-26-2005 at 09:58 PM.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by aadren****e
    so i guess they shouldnt call growth hormone..growth hormone then cause its a chain of amino acids?

    GH is now GA growth acids
    brent your a genius somebody please give this guy the nobel prize


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