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Thread: Gear for other sports

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The 50 States

    Gear for other sports

    I was just wonderin what gear can be used for people dont just lift weights and bodybuilders.
    I play college soccer and Im looking for something I bulk up with during offseason.
    Every now and then u hear about pro-soccer players gettin busted for nandrolone so that seems to be the thing.
    I know Deca stays in the system for atleast 1 year and Im not likely to be tested this year but most likely next year.
    I've also read that people who have used Dbol and tried running had problems with their backs and some with their calves.
    What im trying to do is gain like 15-20 lbs in mass and some strength obviously and from what I've read so far deca seems to do whats best, and maintain it when im off the cycle.
    I train 5 days a week, weights and lots of runnin of course.
    Im lookin do to a cycle of about 8 weeks, deca and sus. Does that seem like a good cycle for someone who is trying to achieve what I just said.
    But then last nite I also read about this product that cleanses any steroids in the body in just 5 days. Has anyone really tried that?

    Weight:160 lbs

  2. #2
    equipoise prolly
    lean mass, enduance, strength, is that what u want?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The 50 States
    Quote Originally Posted by friscas
    equipoise prolly
    lean mass, enduance, strength, is that what u want?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    ya man i was on a simple 10 week cycle of just Andropen (almost like sus.) and i gained a quick 20 lbs, however i dont have to run so im sure i got slower. i have lots of buddies on my team who have messed with lots of stuff and eq looks like the way to go....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    test eq is a good choice but EQ does stick around for a while

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