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Thread: Is this a good Cutting cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Question Is this a good Cutting cycle?

    Do you think this would be a decent cutting cycle? Can you let me know what you think I should drop or add? What do you guys think about Tren? Can that be purchased in Mexico? If so, what is it's full name . Should I replace something with it? If so, what is the dosage and time frame?

    Thanks for any of your help.

    Eq/500mg-----10 weeks

    Winy/50mg/day-------last 6 weeks

    Deca 300/ 300mg-----10 weeks

    Test Enanthate/300-500---------10 weeks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    if it was me id do away with the deca because it makes you retain way to much water and replace it with fina. you can buy pellets online and make it yourself or you can get tren enth. or act. down in mexico. fina is a must for me in a cutting cycle. you can also throw some anavar in cycle if you want. 40mgs a day for the first 5 weeks will do wonders.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhino54
    Do you think this would be a decent cutting cycle? Can you let me know what you think I should drop or add? What do you guys think about Tren? Can that be purchased in Mexico? If so, what is it's full name . Should I replace something with it? If so, what is the dosage and time frame?

    Thanks for any of your help.

    Eq/500mg-----10 weeks

    Winy/50mg/day-------last 6 weeks

    Deca 300/ 300mg-----10 weeks

    Test Enanthate/300-500---------10 weeks

    I wouldn't run deca in any cutter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhino54
    Do you think this would be a decent cutting cycle? Can you let me know what you think I should drop or add? What do you guys think about Tren? Can that be purchased in Mexico? If so, what is it's full name . Should I replace something with it? If so, what is the dosage and time frame?

    Thanks for any of your help.

    Eq/500mg-----10 weeks

    Winy/50mg/day-------last 6 weeks

    Deca 300/ 300mg-----10 weeks

    Test Enanthate/300-500---------10 weeks

    I would run the EQ for 12 weeks minimum

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhino54
    Do you think this would be a decent cutting cycle? Can you let me know what you think I should drop or add? What do you guys think about Tren? Can that be purchased in Mexico? If so, what is it's full name . Should I replace something with it? If so, what is the dosage and time frame?

    Thanks for any of your help.

    Eq/500mg-----10 weeks

    Winy/50mg/day-------last 6 weeks

    Deca 300/ 300mg-----10 weeks

    Test Enanthate/300-500---------10 weeks
    run the eq at least 12 wk drop the deca add tren at 50 mg ed and raise it to 75 mg ed after 2 wks if sides are tolerable. run the tren at least 8 wks. i also would drop the test e and add test prop 100 mg ed. winny can stay the same. also make sure ur diet is in check cause u dont have a cutting cycle w/o a proper diet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhino54
    Do you think this would be a decent cutting cycle? Can you let me know what you think I should drop or add? What do you guys think about Tren? Can that be purchased in Mexico? If so, what is it's full name . Should I replace something with it? If so, what is the dosage and time frame?

    Thanks for any of your help.

    Eq/500mg-----10 weeks

    Winy/50mg/day-------last 6 weeks

    Deca 300/ 300mg-----10 weeks

    Test Enanthate/300-500---------10 weeks

    How long are you willing to run a cycle for? Actually, before you answer that one let me ask you if this is your first cycle? That will change my mind on a few things. Reason I ask that is b/c everyone knows about Tren and if you dont even know its full name then you might be new to all of this. Which is fine, this is all a learning experience. A very important one at that.................

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Question Reply to BEST CUTTING CYCLE

    I have been doing bulk cycles for a few years yet I have never went out side the box of Sust 250, test 400, Deca 300, EQ, Winny, D-bol. Pretty lame, yet that was the only products I had advanced knowledge on for Mexican brands and trusted. I joined this site to learn more and hear what you guys have to say. I want to try Tren yet I still don't have full knowledge on it yet. I am picking up my gear in 2 weeks and am still trying to figure out the best cutting cycle to get. My diets are always top notch and I take my Cycles very seriously, yet I don't want to **** myself up due to lack of knowledge. Any advise you guys can give is greatly appreciated.

    If I take Tren, what side effects do you think I might encounter? The only side effect I have ever really experienced on cycle was High blood pressure, but I am going to see a doctor before I start just so I can monitor it.
    What brand and Name will I want to look for, for Tren if I decide to use it?

    Thanks again everyone for your help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    tren is a great drug but if your worried you may be better off taking something like masteron instead because theres less side effects. i always heard about tren having alot of sides but the only 2 i've ever been bothered by were insomnia and night sweats, and i always get horrible night sweats. if i were you id read up on tren and make your own decision if its right for you or not

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