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Thread: Hows this cut cycle (Clen/T3)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Oklahoma, USA

    Hows this cut cycle (Clen/T3)

    Not really an AAS cycle, but still, tell me where it needs to be tweaked.
    It is Clen/T3

    Day 1: 20mcgs
    Day 2: 40mcgs
    Day 3: 60mcgs
    Day 4: 80mcgs
    Day 5: 100mcgs
    Day 6-53: 120mcgs

    Of course, I will only increase and stay at 120mcgs if the sides are tolerable. Each of these doses will be split into 2 and taken at 2 different times of the day.

    After week three, I will taking 100mg of Benadryl before bed each night.
    5g of Taurine everyday
    200-400g of Potassium everday
    1+gallons of water

    I will also be running T3 with this. I have searched and found no info on T3 dosages. Will someone please give me the proper T3 dosages? Do they need to be spaced out like the clen? I have this sitting next to me but I can't start till I get the dosages! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    check your other thread i left some info in there do some reseach on basel body temp, this is how you will regulate the dosage of t3. start out low and keep takin your temp to see if you in opt range, mid 98s.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Oklahoma, USA
    Damn that was fast-thanks.
    So my goal is to keep my body temperature normal? I thought I was going to be running a low grade temp. while on these?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    to be honest bro, ive never ran it yet, im goin by what ive read previously and the help other bros have givin me. im about to try it for the 1st time prolly next week as i want the test to start building up so the t3 doesnt become catabolic and eat all my muscles. blown sc had helped me out and suggested i start at a low dosage and take my temperature periodically to see where it is. idealy most say that mid 98's will provide good fat burning, but most also say to only use it while on aas as this combats the catabolicness of t3. in order to establish a guide line you would 1st start by monitoring your bbt, so take your temp 1st thing in the morning, i did mine while my alarm clock was goin off so that i knew for sure this was my resting temp. since t3 is a powerful thyroid med, it is essential to not over due it as it can shut down your thyroid and cause you to be on meds for it forever. this is what raises much caution about using this. start low at maybe 11 mcg/day and up it as needed... hopefully more bros wil chime in on this one with some of their experiances

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Oklahoma, USA
    Thanks man! TTT for other tips!

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