Not really an AAS cycle, but still, tell me where it needs to be tweaked.
It is Clen/T3
Day 1: 20mcgs
Day 2: 40mcgs
Day 3: 60mcgs
Day 4: 80mcgs
Day 5: 100mcgs
Day 6-53: 120mcgs
Of course, I will only increase and stay at 120mcgs if the sides are tolerable. Each of these doses will be split into 2 and taken at 2 different times of the day.
After week three, I will taking 100mg of Benadryl before bed each night.
5g of Taurine everyday
200-400g of Potassium everday
1+gallons of water
I will also be running T3 with this. I have searched and found no info on T3 dosages. Will someone please give me the proper T3 dosages? Do they need to be spaced out like the clen? I have this sitting next to me but I can't start till I get the dosages! Thanks!