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Thread: PCT ? I could use some clarification.

  1. #1

    PCT ? I could use some clarification.

    Ok, lets say I am coming off an 18 week sus, andro, eq cycle in 3 days. And by coming off I mean my last injection of Eq is in 3 days. From what I have learned on this web site is
    1: wait 21 days before starting my PCT
    2: My PCT should consist of 100mg Clomid and 20 mg novaldex
    3: I can take 100microgms of clenbuterol

    Ok am I correct in the above statements?

    2nd can I take proviron during PCT or should I stop after last injection?
    3rd is there something I am leaving out?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by novicenovicen
    Ok, lets say I am coming off an 18 week sus, andro, eq cycle in 3 days. And by coming off I mean my last injection of Eq is in 3 days. From what I have learned on this web site is
    1: wait 21 days before starting my PCT
    2: My PCT should consist of 100mg Clomid and 20 mg novaldex
    3: I can take 100microgms of clenbuterol

    Ok am I correct in the above statements?

    2nd can I take proviron during PCT or should I stop after last injection?
    3rd is there something I am leaving out?
    1. YES
    2. YES. You could also add .25mg od L-dex
    3. You should work up to that amont

    You could because there are articals stating that proviron doesn't have a negative effect on HPTA....... but then there are some thay say since proviron lowers SHBG levels you will not recover....... I don't know who's right.

  3. #3
    Thankyou. My only question is how important is the dex? and can you give me the full name or common names? I know I was not able to get the l thyro from the guy, but maybe I can get this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    IMO it's important but will not hinder your recovery if you didn't use it.

    Arimadex, liquidex, l-dex are the names it goes by.

  5. #5
    Is it OTC or do I have to ask my source?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by novicenovicen
    Is it OTC or do I have to ask my source?
    a source or a research company

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