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Thread: Is this a good way to test if something is real?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Is this a good way to test if something is real?

    I recently received some Deca and Prop that were produced at (sorry just read sticky on main-board), since I had never heard of this lab I was slightly nervous..

    Anyways my cycle plan was to run 1-4 weeks of DBOL, with 1-10 test e, 1-12 deca, 10-14 test prop. If this juice turns out to be fake though then it will completely screw up the cycle.

    I was thinking of running the prop at the beginning for a couple weeks just to figure out if this brand is in fact legit. If I see no changes in the first couple weeks I know its bunk and can fix my cycle accordingly.

    Do you guys think I should drop the DBOL and just run prop?
    Last edited by Fenix12; 01-11-2006 at 11:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Id perfer prop > dbol but since you have both. Utilize!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    lol that would be ideal.. but would I be able to differentiate the prop gains from the dbol gains.. I wanna know if the prop and the deca are legit!

  4. #4
    i would get a source check ifpossible

  5. #5
    Send it off to a lab or shoot it and see. Obviously you will see gains more quickly from Dbol, but Prop will prob. hurt a bit (but it doesn't mean it's real or not underdosed).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I got it through a guy working at my gym. which makes it difficult to do a check.. my buddy vouched for him but he can be the overly trusting type.. really wanna figure it out so I can fix things.

    If I ran the dbol and prop would I be able to tell if the prop was legit through the gains?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I would definetly run the prop at 100mgs EOD. Prop hits fast. If you feel nothing in week at all id say it was bunk. The deca could be a problem
    cause its took 7 weeks to kick in hard on me before but I love prop and can feel it within 24 hours usually.

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