On a unlimited supply of dbol, t400, nolva, and clomid, how should my cycle look. This is my 1st cycle. I am into week 2 and so far I have planned it out as follows. Should I divide the t4 shots 2x a week or shoot all 400 a time?. I am not sure if I am going to make it a 10 week, so please advise.
Nolva throught cycle at 10mg ed (should i do this even though I have no signs of gyno?)
Week 1:40mg dbol, 250mg t4
Week 2:40mg dbol, 400mg t4
Week 3:40mg dbol, 400mg t4
Week 4:40mg dbol, 400mg t4
Week 5:400mg t4
Week 6:400mg t4
Week 7:400mg t4
Week 8:400mg t4
Week 9: should I?
Week 10: Should I?
PCT 50mg of clomid ed.(to start 2 weeks after last injection or 3 weeks after?)
please critique my cycle and tell me what you think. Also if your asking why I only did 250mg my 1st week it was because I wanted my body to get used to the t400 (because of the pain)
Also as another note I have been shooting in both my delts and like shooting there and plan to do it there throughout the cycle, I dont have a problem with going to the glute but bike ride, and do other things that are making me think it could be painful to do in my glute