I was wondering how frequently you can inject a certain site without getting into problems. I'm trying to finish out my test E cycle with prop EOD for 2 wks as a bridge before PCT. I've had unbelievable amount of problems with injections this cycle--my immune system seems to overreact--severe painfor over a week each shot, swelling, redness--had a sterile abcess left delt--and so on. Could not even walk after quad hits. Maybe it's me, maybe its the gear (BD test E; funny cause the prop wasn't as bad) Anyway, I do somewhat OK with gluts, and that was alright for enanth 500mg/wk--one shot per cheek per week. But with EOD hits of prop, I'm not sure how safe it is to put that much oil in my gluts that frequently. I did make some gains on this cycle and just trying to keep as much as possible. Any sage advice?
P.S. I'm going to have the gear tested and I will share that with you all.