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Thread: Q about juicing to speed recovery from an injury?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Question Q about juicing to speed recovery from an injury?

    Hey guys,

    I'm new to the forum but I had a question for any of you who are athletes or have used A.S. to speed up your return from injuries.

    I just injured my knee about a week ago and I haven't been to the doctor yet to have the damage checked out. So far, I've got full range of movement with no swelling. I do have pain, tenderness to the touch, and mild instability however. I'm afraid that I may have tore a tendon/ligament along the inside of my knee.

    I'm planning on giving it a little more time to heal on its own before seeing the doc but I'm really concerned that an MRI will show a tear that requires surgury to repair. This is what leads me to the question about gear. I had ACL reconstruction on my other knee (patella graft) about 5 years ago. I healed relatively quickly, but my muscles were the slowest part catching up due to the atrophy of my muscles from the surgury/shock/inactivity. If I do in fact need to have another major surgury on my knee, would I be smart to try a cycle to speed my muscle recovery or regrowth? And if I do choose to go that route, what would be the best drug to take for that purpose? I only intend to do this for the short term, till my injury is healed and I'm back to where I was previously, so I'm not planning on multiple cycles. I'd just like some advice.


    - Judoman

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I believe I've heard of deca being perscriped to people that were in bad car accidents to help with healing. BUT

    a steroid cycle with heavy lifting? you probably need to rest your body and go light on the weights... IMO

    so, IMO, don't do steroids until your completely healed.

    what do others think?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    new york
    Originally posted by Iron horse
    I believe I've heard of deca being perscriped to people that were in bad car accidents to help with healing. BUT

    a steroid cycle with heavy lifting? you probably need to rest your body and go light on the weights... IMO

    so, IMO, don't do steroids until your completely healed.

    what do others think?
    I agree with you here. I see AAS as a way to mask the problem rather than find a solution. The more you neglect an injury the longer rehabilitation will be when you finally give in to it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    I had shoulder surgery 2 months ago and i still cant lift hardly anything...all deca really is gonna do is lubricate it anyway..just like jbrand will mask the problem...give it time bro..hell im the last person who wanted to start from scratch..but better to start all over again than to never start again at all cuz you injured urself that bad =\

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    yeah i also had shoulder surgery, my dr. wouldn't perscribe shiat, bastard. well i think it would help, add glutamine to for the knees and do light lifting and build up
    good luck

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