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Thread: about to go on steroids, need advice

  1. #1

    about to go on steroids, need advice

    Hey everyone, I am 22 6'1, 180...I used to play hockey but recently quit, and i have noticed i am gettin a beer gut and i have no chest definition at all. A buddy of mine started taking steroids and has gotten great results. He told me he can get me anything i wanted, i only want to go on one cycle but I don't know what I should take. I don't really work out right now, but I am goin to go to the gym for about 4 weeks b4 i take my first shot just to get back into the habit....Can anyone give me some advice as to what I should take, I don't wanna get huge, i just wanna get a chest and definition...Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Miami, Florida
    wow wow wow...gotta slow down there first man. don't jump into any cycles right now. too early. you'll grow a lot without the roids for now. you probably have a lot of natural growth left. A LOT. i would look into probably some supplements and a nice diet. you'll see a really good results without the AAS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DamnYouMSN
    wow wow wow...gotta slow down there first man. don't jump into any cycles right now. too early. you'll grow a lot without the roids for now. you probably have a lot of natural growth left. A LOT. i would look into probably some supplements and a nice diet. you'll see a really good results without the AAS.
    I agree with this...gear is not the answer. You will grow well with protein, creatine, and proper training.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    I agree with this...gear is not the answer. You will grow well with protein, creatine, and proper training.


    There is no rush or quick fix. Rome wasnt built in 2 days.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    uv got alot ov growing in u yet.and steroids wont just shift a beer gut in 1 course .get ur diet in check..pleanty ov rest and a good workout routine and u will see gains without roids..dedicate and test ur self on a set target 4 a couple ov months and see if u can complete it ...good look

    mr amp

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Rome wasnt built in 2 days.
    Nor was the world in 1. I love analogies

  7. #7
    thanks just say i do take a cycle of deca in a month and eat healthy and work out daily, what kind of results will I get?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    if u do decide 2 start then take test 4 ur first cycle deca by its self is no good unless u want deca dick and that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    UK -Yorkshire
    steroids aren't going to rid anyone of a beer gut. and they aren't going to make anyone look good either. thats dependant on the individuals determination, dedication and hard work. the gear allows you to move past a certain point when natural training has exhausted itself (if that makes any sense). it all comes down to your diet and training,if you have those in check you will get where you want to be if you stick with it. what is your previous work out history (if any)?

  10. #10
    i have gone a few months working out 3/4 days a week, but I never stick with it, to be honest the last time i was in the gym was probably 3 months ago and i was goin for about 2 months 3 days a week...

  11. #11
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by mhs8hockey
    i have gone a few months working out 3/4 days a week, but I never stick with it, to be honest the last time i was in the gym was probably 3 months ago and i was goin for about 2 months 3 days a week...

    Your not even putting in the time/work as a natural. Steroids are for when you reach your limit from training day in and day out for years. You sound like you need to just workout consistantly. Beer gut? steroids will bloat you and make it bigger , diet and cardio is how you get rid of that.

  12. #12
    well its not like I am out of shape i just have a lil pouch that has grown since i stopped playing hockey, with no exercise in my daily life it got bigger....I am just lookin to gain some strength and get a lil bit bigger, add maybe 10lbs. Once i take the shots it will give me the motivation to stay in the gym so i don't lose it...And I am well aware that lifting is not the only thing to do, i would be doing cardio as well

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    steroids shouldn't be your motivation. they're a serious thing man, don't take it lightly.

    if you need a "boost" in the gym, try having someone kick you in the ass (get a training partner), focus on your diet and'll get all the results you need from that.

  14. #14
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by mhs8hockey
    well its not like I am out of shape i just have a lil pouch that has grown since i stopped playing hockey, with no exercise in my daily life it got bigger....I am just lookin to gain some strength and get a lil bit bigger, add maybe 10lbs. Once i take the shots it will give me the motivation to stay in the gym so i don't lose it...And I am well aware that lifting is not the only thing to do, i would be doing cardio as well

    Then what are you waiting for? Lift and run now. Why do you need to inject hormones into your body for motivation, you already got natural ones that are more than capable in gaining 10lbs and losing a gut. Your writing like you need steroids to do any activity, sounds like your lazy and don't have the desire,(this is how you present yourself to others). Your steroid dependent and you've never even been on.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    there are lots ov supplements out there wich u can try and can do wonders for lossing ore gaining weight.and like cb25 saib steroids should not be your motivation ...set your self a target...that should b your motivation....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    wear only telling u the facts
    Last edited by mr amp; 02-07-2006 at 04:36 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    sounds like a severe case of lazyness and even if you were to start steroids i guarantee you will be off them as soon as you start to see side effects.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    to da acycle u should do it after one year @ least of training correctly with healthy diet 2 have a good base 2 build on roids r not ur best choice @ this point u have better alternatives

  19. #19
    i agree i am very lazy,i was just looking for some answers as to what i should take and what i can excpect if i do take them...
    I am sure many guys have done exactly what I am thinking about doing, that is not really working out and taking roids b4 having an active work out program,so i was just wondering if anyone knew anyone that did this and what the results were....but i appreciate all the constructive critism

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Miami, Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by mhs8hockey
    i agree i am very lazy,i was just looking for some answers as to what i should take and what i can excpect if i do take them...
    I am sure many guys have done exactly what I am thinking about doing, that is not really working out and taking roids b4 having an active work out program,so i was just wondering if anyone knew anyone that did this and what the results were....but i appreciate all the constructive critism
    you would get the same results if you were working out straight without getting on any roids. you'll have a huge muscle growth and strength, just like if you were on roids.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    When I first started serious training in junior high alot of people accussed me of roids. I weighed like 130 and jumped to 155 lbs in a couple months. It was amazing. Strength almost tripeled. I wasnt even eating that well or properly training (never did much squatting and zero deadlifts in Jr. High. In 9th grade I was benching around 200 lbs at 160+ lbs bodyweight. Most people struggled with 135lbs. Most of my gains came from the bench press back then. The point is, if you have never trained or not trained in a long time gains will come on very quickly. Taking juice at this stage would be a waste of money at best. Save it for years down the road, when you cant hardly gain bodyweight and lifts are stagnating. So, in summary, NO ROIDS FOR YOU!!!

  22. #22
    Hockey guy, there is a thread you should read....actually alot, but I was just talking to another guy about this....I'll look it up for you.

  23. #23
    Here it is. This guy is about the same stats as you and same situation, except lower bf% and he goes to the gym more. Hope you can be as smart as him

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