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Thread: Help me....too much pain!

  1. #1

    Arrow Help me....too much pain!

    Ok, so i got this gear in and the winney that i got is some underground stuff that i have never used before. It is in a 10ml bottle with a redish brownish label that says winstrol. It is from coutour labs and it has an ingredient list which includes stanazolol 50mg per ml and benzol alcohol 2% plus something else. Oh yea, and it is oil based...i have never heard of or seen stanazolol suspended in oil...

    Now, before using the winney i posted a thread asking if this was legit and got a yes. So i am using 100mg eod of the winney. I threw 1cc in each delt. Wow, i was soar as crap and my delts swoll twice their size! Then two days later i threw 1cc in my right glute.

    I am so soar and swollen that i cant even sit down. My glute is on FIRE!

    I know winney is painful but i have thrown water based winney in my biceps before and it was nothing like this. The glute hurts more than the shoulders, which i don't understand.

    My questions are... First, is this juice from couture labs legit. How is it possible that winney is suspended in oil. Why am i so unbeliveably soar and how can i continue this cycle?

    Please many posts as possible is appreicated...Thanx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Canada & Europe
    Stop using it, that sounds fuc*ked up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    someone on here was talking about oil based winny, but you are not having a good reaction to what ever it is. quit taking that sh1t

  4. #4
    my shoulders feel fine now and my ass is gone down...i feel like it is legit but it hurts so bad its almost not worth it..

  5. #5
    Definitly quit using that gear...Its not worth the risk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Canada & Europe
    Get some Zambon Winstrol.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Its probably the BA% that is hurting u ,they stayed on the label 2% but maybe is more than , some guys are very allergic to BA, eather that or the oil they used can be also the problem for u, what kinda of oil is it grapeseed,cottonseed?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I never bought into that winstrol suspended in oil crap. I think its bullsh*t. Is your winstrol clear oil or milky white? If your getting that much pain, and welts, I wouldnt use it. I dont mess around with UG winstrol, get human grade. Its worth every penny!

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