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Thread: Real bloated, how much nolva to help this.

  1. #1

    Real bloated, how much nolva to help this.

    I am in my second week of this cycle. I am running 30 mg Dbol ED and 500 MG test E EW. and I am bloated as HELL!! I gained 15 pounds in the first week and I feel stuffed all day, even if I have not had anything to eat for hours. Its making it really hard to eat and drink as much as I should be. How much nolva should I run to get rid of some of this damn bloat???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Nolva may help .....get some l-dex.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Only In Jersey
    20mg nolv ed helps keep me un bloated.

  4. #4
    20 mg. should do the trick. I know some people that have horror stories with d bol and bloat.

  5. #5
    cool, thanks guys.. my strength is going through the roof but this bloat has to go..I have one other question.. I have the AR nolva.. is one full syringe = to 20 MG?? thats the way it looks to me but I was just wanting to make sure.. becuase it reads up to 9 then instead of 10 it says 1 ML..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    its the dbol
    the test did not kick in.....the dbol is bloating u...who makes em..r they the thai's? or british?///or sumtin else

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