I have a few cycles under my belt... all of them 10+ years ago...all without a hitch, up until my last cycle before quiting in the mid 1990's... this cycle was my first one using other stuff besides just roids, i.e. GH, insulin, t3... everything was going well when I developed severe edemia in my hand... damn thing blew up to twice it's size on the top portion of my hand and fingers on my left side.... Attributed this to the GH... this was around the same time I was getting serious with a relationship... the edemia scared me a little... I was revisiting the prospects of going back to school...lots of reasons to not do any kind of gear any more, thus that ended my focused training days.... life has a tendency to come full circle and here I am again training hard and in the early stages of my first cycle in a very long time... some might argue that it is a little aggressive in it's amount but, just feeling that the receptors are fresh from a decade of layoff and am trying to take advantage... for those that need to know, I am doing 1000mg test e and 400 mg eq / week... fairly basic for a starter after so much time off...
here is the kicker, perhaps paranoia but my left hand has once again felt 'tinglie' for lack of better description... no edemia to mention just a funny feeling on the top portion... oh, and injections have been alternating on the shoulders...
any ideas?