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Thread: tren E or prop?

  1. #1

    tren E or prop?

    Ok here it is I can't decide on tren E/test E cycle or prop only cycle..I keep hearing on how good tren is but I also hear all these horror stories of night sweats,insominia,agression and feeling like dying from tren cough! Now not being a pussy but I don't know about having all those sides. I've done probably 5 small cycs. My last cyc was 500/mg test e and 600/mg Eq for 14 wks.It was the biggest I've done. I love Eq but wanting to try something different. I've heard alot of good about prop and cutting. I'm dieting for summer and have drop 6% bf and 15lbs on var only 50/mg but starting to feel small and losing too much LBM so I'm wanting a good hardener,vascularity and either help me maintain size or even add 5-10lbs of lbm. So here's the Question do you all think I should say f#ck it and go with the Tren/test cyc or do prop or have advise for a cyc with what I had in mine?...Sorry such a long question but really any advise will be much appreciated...thanks

    5 cycs (I think)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Ofcourse test/tren bro way better results than just prop but get the tren Acetate so if you experinced bad sides the sides clear out in matter of days after you stop using it unlike tren E if you experinced bad sides you will be stuck with it for couple of weeks till its clear out get the tren A & start with 50mg ed if everything is cool & no bad sides then up it to 75mg ed & thats it.

    good luck,

    ][-][ ][-][ ][-][

  3. #3
    Judging by what you are saying, I would stay away from tren. Why do something that might bother you that much when there are so many other options out there?

    Try a cycle of eq and prop. I have run this a few times with great success. Lean hard gains. Lots of vascularity.

    Run it for 10-12 weeks

    75-100 mg. prop ED
    100-200 mg. eq EOD.

    I left the doseages a bit broad because I don't know of your cycle experience. Normally EQ doesn't need to be run more than twice a week, but when you are running prop, it is nice to mellow it out with the eq. I sometime only run the prop. EOD along with the EQ on this cycle and haven't had any bad sides from it, but everyone is different. Just an idea, but I love this combo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    i think if u wanna do tren then test prop will b better thats from my point of view but every one is different

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