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Thread: Clenbuterol: Is this Normal?

  1. #1

    Clenbuterol: Is this Normal?


    I'm on day 3 (3 tabs of 20mcg Spiropent) of my clenbuterol cycle. I have been keeping a log of ALL of the sides and I am starting to notice something strange.

    It is hard to put into words but let me describe:

    When i'm not on clenbuterol:
    After i'm done a set of weights (i.e. bench press) I'm naturally breathing heavy. After I do my usual cardio (45min light jog) I'm really out of breath.

    When I'm on clenbuterol (day 3):
    After I'm done a set of weights, I'm heavy breathing for like .....half a second then I'm fully recharged. After i do my usual cardio (same as above) I'm barely out of breath.

    I have not reduced my intensity.

    I feel like ****ing superman. Does this last throughout the entire cycle? Does it get even better? Worse?

    this is awesome!
    Feel free to comment on what happens to you in reference to breathing when your on spiropent.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South America
    Itwas designed to be used as a branchiodilator so thats what is supposed to happen

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Nor Cal

    Thumbs up

    My second day on spriopent I powered through my cardio (odd, because some say it has the adverse affect on them). I sweat like it was going out of style, but I felt like I could go for days.

    Keep posting your results - it's always good to hear other people's experiences . . .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    spriopent, is that just another name for clen? sorry still learning.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by geobatman
    I feel like ****ing superman. Does this last throughout the entire cycle? Does it get even better? Worse?
    You mean you feel like Batman surely??

    Yeah, same effect on me - and I also sweat like f**k!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by geobatman

    I'm on day 3 (3 tabs of 20mcg Spiropent) of my clenbuterol cycle. I have been keeping a log of ALL of the sides and I am starting to notice something strange.

    It is hard to put into words but let me describe:

    When i'm not on clenbuterol:
    After i'm done a set of weights (i.e. bench press) I'm naturally breathing heavy. After I do my usual cardio (45min light jog) I'm really out of breath.

    When I'm on clenbuterol (day 3):
    After I'm done a set of weights, I'm heavy breathing for like .....half a second then I'm fully recharged. After i do my usual cardio (same as above) I'm barely out of breath.

    I have not reduced my intensity.

    I feel like ****ing superman. Does this last throughout the entire cycle? Does it get even better? Worse?

    this is awesome!
    Feel free to comment on what happens to you in reference to breathing when your on spiropent.

    That's odd...

    Usually I feel the opposite when on clenbuterol. My heart rate is excellerated and i'm breathing heavier. I also sweat alot more as well because of the raised body temperature.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Yeah you will feel good as long as your recepters are good. Remember to "recharge" (take Benadryl)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I've heard numerous conflicting self reports of respiratory & cardiovascular functioning on Clen.

    Some people get the branchiodilator effect and can do much more than usual, while others' output is has been greatly inhibited. Clen's a strange one.

    Fortunately, I also fall into the former category. The Profile speaks of it thusly:

    Performance issues with clen also vary. Some studies show reduced exercise (cardiovascular) performance with clen (9), while some show that clen can alleviate exercise induced asthma (10)!Clearly, this compound will have different effects on different people, and I suspect that a lot of it is sports specific. Many bodybuilders claim that clen makes it difficult for them to do cardio, yet I can play a full game of rugby on it. You need to figure out how it affects you, and tailor your dose personally.

  9. #9
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    Nor Cal
    I think like any medication, it affects people differently based on their body's natural chemistry and its interaction with the drug. Hence why different people can tolerate different doses and not have as many or the same side effects.

  10. #10
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    It makes me breathe heavy and effects my training by doing so.

  11. #11
    i will keep it updated.
    So far, on day 5 (5 pills)........Weird, I felt the effects more on day 3 and 4. Could I have fried my receptors already? Or am I just getting use to the sides...

    I'm doing a different cycle then most people

    3 weeks on......3 weeks off


    leave comments/questions!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Nor Cal
    If you're doing 3 on/3 off, be sure to take Benadryl to keep your receptors 'so fresh and so clean'

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by musubi
    I think like any medication, it affects people differently based on their body's natural chemistry and its interaction with the drug. Hence why different people can tolerate different doses and not have as many or the same side effects.

    Good point to mention.

    I have to take at leaset 200mcg's and then I just start to shake..

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by musubi
    If you're doing 3 on/3 off, be sure to take Benadryl to keep your receptors 'so fresh and so clean'
    Heres my take,

    for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off you dont use benadryl so I don't think 1 extra week (especially so its only to taper off) will require benadryl.

    Also, apart from Anthony Roberts article I havent found much info proving the benadryl method. Care to post any links apart from hookers article?

    thnx guys

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    O man im excited to go on Clen now after reading that first post.

    Keep us posted

  16. #16
    one major thing i forgot to include. I have exercise-induced asthma. I DO NOT take medication for this (have been prescribed, never filled prescription)

    Could it be that the clenbuterol is helping to alleviate my already present asthma?

  17. #17
    In case anyone cares, heres what I eat day to day. I'm posting because I've never come across a similar diet on a fitness website. Similar ones, but never as narrow as mine:

    - fruit (10-15 whole fruits of apple, orange, plum, peach, honeydew, mango, strawberries, watermelon). I eat minimum 10 but try to hit 15 on weekends. Yes, I mean 15 WHOLE fruits. I try to eat different colour fruits.

    - lean protein (chicken breast, skinless chicken drumstick, extra lean groud turkey, extra lean ground chicken) Once in a blue moon i'll eat broiled shrimp. I don't eat red meat anymore. Broiled Pork tenderloin once a month. Canned tuna rarely.

    - fatty protein (salmon, rainbow trout, haddock) once a day.

    - Thats it, no exceptions.

    In terms of quantity, I eat about 25-30grams of protein x 4-5 times a day. My calories are pretty low, yet I never feel that way. Almost every hour I'm eating a fruit or a serving of lean protein. I'm notorious for never eating complete meals. I.e...only fruit.....then hour later only protein....I Don't mean to do it I just do whatever I like.

    Realize that the mentality behind this plan is something I can stick to for the rest of my life. I never want to "diet". I take my blood tests in the summer so I really want to see what 6-8 months of dieting like this will accomplish. I don't cheat and have never felt like cheating when I can have a fruit instead.

    - GNC Ultra Mega Gold Pro Super Duper Platinum (every day)
    - taurine (only while on clenbuterol)
    - Clenbuterol (only while on clenbuterol ahah)

    I don't drink whey.

    I've lost a huge chunk of fat so far....lifts have gone up since i began 4 months ago. Regardless of weight loss, the major benefits have been: outstanding skin, little to no flatuence (as a man I miss this), better sleep, rarely fatigued, mental alertness, increased academic performance bla bla bla.

    The weirdest thing is that after you've lost alot of weight and gained a good chunk of lean muscle, your mentallity changes:

    I've become obsessed with vanity (only reason I'm taking clen). At least I'm honest
    Last edited by geobatman; 03-20-2006 at 03:56 PM.

  18. #18
    Day 6

    up to 6 tabs of clenbuterol....still shaky hands, no more headaches, increased appetitie, INCREASE THIRST (after like 5 seconds my mouth is the sahara), no cramps since day 2.

    Is there a big increase of sides between 6 and 7 tabs? I was only planning on hitting max 7 tabs (140mcg).

    Any negatives at stopping at 140mcg daily IF i can handle more?

    Finding your tolerance on clen is damn hard.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Clen Day 2

    I am not feeling any sides and took 20mcg yesterday and 30mcg already today, I have no sides whatsoever, should I up until I feel sides, or just continue my gradual updosing scheduled of adding 10mcg a day until I plateau at 70-80 and stay there for a few days then dose down by 20mcgs on the last 3 days of the first 14 day cycle. (2wks on/2wks off) What does anybody think? I thinking about taking another 10mcgs today, but I don't know if to not have sides means it's not working. I am having an opposite effect than what I am reading- no sweating, no hunger, no cramping, no headache, no increased heartrate.

  20. #20
    day 7

    Up to max of 7 pills. Side effects pretty much the same as 6 pills. I went to the doctor today 2 hours after dosing my clen this morning to check my stats at the peak of the cycle.

    Blood pressure was normal
    heart rate was increased (she counted 95 beats or something)
    temp was a little high.

    She thought i was coming down with something...haha.

    anywayss.....i can definitely handle more than 140 mcg of clen but I wont be going any higher since most people say that going over 140 is the best way to fry your receptors!

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