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Thread: Just curious what do you think of this cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New Jersey

    Question Please read!!!! What do you think of this cycle?

    ok im currently on EQ 300mg a week, i know its not much but im using it to bridge my last cycle and my next one. Im not sure on how it is gonna go but here is how im thinking of doing it.

    1-5: Test Cypinate 500mg

    5-10: Winnie, Test Cypinate and Prop(using half and half)

    11: Winnie

    Tell me what yous think of this. If you have any changes you would like to make to this let me know. Give me the ups and downs
    Last edited by Shrad6; 06-04-2002 at 12:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    whats the mgs for weeks 5-11

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Well I have done all those quite a few times over and the main thing is to load up front with your bulking agents then cut down a little into hardeners and quality muscle gainers. I would go with this stack, you can take a look:
    Test cyp: 500-600mg/week (weeks 1-6)
    Test prop and winny (winny at 100mg EOD and test prop at 125mg EOD) (weeks 4-11)

    Keeping it simple this will work wonders. The test prop has low water retention while the cypionate has high water retention, the winny will lower your water uptake also towards the end while your body looses its water at the end and leaves you with about 10 pounds of quality muscle gain with practically no fat gains. Keep Nolva on hand. If you by any chance have the money take proviron throughout if you possibly can. try to add clen also if you can, keeps the muscle on with its anti-catabolic properties while beating down the fat. Also, HCG and clomid are smart. Hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    New Jersey

    What mgs?

    I wasn't sure on how many mgs i should take thats why i left it open. I should only use winne for 4 weeks? Does cyp get really big? I heard it does just wondering if its anything like sust. I know cyp is in sust but just want to know if it will work as good as sust but without the bloating. What will proviron do for me?

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