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Thread: Mixing steroids with methadone

  1. #1

    Exclamation Mixing steroids with methadone

    My buddy is afraid to start his cycle of sust and eq....... afraid that it might cause a bad reaction while taking methadone ! does anybody have any suggestions for him?
    I dont want his liver to shut down or something but i didnt know what to tell him 2 do!

  2. #2
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    If he is taking methadone for the reasons I think he is.... Then he is no where near ready to use AAS

  3. #3
    He was on oxycontin pretty bad, but hes been clean since he started going to the mdone clinic about a year ago.

  4. #4
    serious stuff man.he mustof been addicted to some heavy shiznit.body probaly couldnt handle a cycle.

  5. #5
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    oh man, all that stuff is bad. imo, the only thing you should be shooting up is steroids

  6. #6
    Thanks for the advice , any more yall have is appreciated, Ill let him know.

  7. #7
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    I'm not as worried about his liver as much as I am about other factors like mental stability. I think it is great he is working out but a year isn't that long and he still needs the methadone then this might not be the best choice for him.

  8. #8
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    methadone weakens the bones.......Using AS would make for a very strenuous situation for his body.

    Think back to the Cincinnatti vs 49ers superbowl....Crumrie (think that is his name), his legged snapped because the strength of his muscle. he, supposedly, was on the juice.

    Not that your buddy would snap bones, but his body is not ideal for bulking. Too much strain on his frame. I would think his doctor would limit any type of heavy lifting while on a methadone maint program.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rickson
    I'm not as worried about his liver as much as I am about other factors like mental stability. I think it is great he is working out but a year isn't that long and he still needs the methadone then this might not be the best choice for him.
    Great point......If he is one of those addictive types.......he could get out of hand...and steroid abuse is different than intelligent steroid use. ... This is actually a very very serious post.

    If he is trying to overcome a serious addiction problem, using steroids is not advisable. Wether we want to admit it or not, it is a drug.

  10. #10
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    I just came off of buprenophine, a two year stint due to chronic herniated back and neck discs. I still worked out cept for the last 6months while I detox'dmyself from the sh*t. My advice to him is get off the methadone first, the longer you stay on that crap the harder it is too get off. The stuff is toxic, I would suggest to him getting on a short Suboxone taper...14 days max. Wait a couple of weeks while working out, running,eating well and then start with a cycle.

    I'm not a steroids expert by no means but I do know a lot about the done and other addictions.

  11. #11
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    The mere fact that he needed meth suggests that he shouldn't get involved with aas. There are far too many physiological and psychological variables to consider with such a choice. The further fact that he's needed meth for a year and counting, makes this a no brainer. Get him some protein, creatine, glutamine, red beans, brown beans and green beans.


  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I wouldnt even consider using AAS with methadone, i would get clean and slowly reduce the meth over the next following weeks before even looking at AAS, concentrate on your diet and getting some natural weight back onto the frame, get the body healthy again.

  13. #13
    Methadone also lowers your natural test levels..big time! He should try to get off the methadone before using aas to limit long-term sides.

  14. #14
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    and now he is addicted to methadone which isnt anything better.

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmorris
    and now he is addicted to methadone which isnt anything better.

    He must be taking methadone to help with his adiction to opiates, mixing methadone and AAS is not the done thing, he needs to slowly reduce the meth over the following weeks to get himself clean in the mean time get some natural weight back on.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by forzajoe1234
    Methadone also lowers your natural test levels..big time! He should try to get off the methadone before using aas to limit long-term sides.
    I would like to see proof of this

  17. #17
    Last edited by loweho; 06-01-2012 at 07:49 PM. Reason: Didn't realize it was a 6 yr old thread

  18. #18
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    You just bumped a 6 year old thread.

  19. #19
    Lol! Yep, didn't realize that...
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You just bumped a 6 year old thread.
    Last edited by loweho; 06-01-2012 at 07:50 PM. Reason: 6 years old

  20. #20

    I know this old but you OLD heads are DEAD Ass wrong

    Quote Originally Posted by loweho View Post
    Lol! Yep, didn't realize that...
    I have been on methadone for 10 years and guess what I WILL never get off, before you bash me id rather be ALIVE for my family than prove some bs to some people who never matter to me. First off I’m huge.. 5’11” 245 lbs and I used to have the “natural T” of an 85 year old man ( 159!!!) yes 159 at 33 years old. I got serious when I first got on TRT and the test changed MY LIFE. It’s been 4 years now and I blast and cruise like all my boys at the gym and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I have collapsed veins loose skin and a bunch of shit from my 2 decade descent into drugs. All I’m saying is the MIND and BODY are very powerful, if he truly is clean (only Methadone) he’ll be fine start slow and build up, don’t ever listen to second guessers or haters cause I used to be one now I’m a beast and nothing can stop me. My 2 cents..

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sbabikian View Post
    I have been on methadone for 10 years and guess what I WILL never get off, before you bash me id rather be ALIVE for my family than prove some bs to some people who never matter to me. First off I’m huge.. 5’11” 245 lbs and I used to have the “natural T” of an 85 year old man ( 159!!!) yes 159 at 33 years old. I got serious when I first got on TRT and the test changed MY LIFE. It’s been 4 years now and I blast and cruise like all my boys at the gym and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I have collapsed veins loose skin and a bunch of shit from my 2 decade descent into drugs. All I’m saying is the MIND and BODY are very powerful, if he truly is clean (only Methadone) he’ll be fine start slow and build up, don’t ever listen to second guessers or haters cause I used to be one now I’m a beast and nothing can stop me. My 2 cents..
    I gave up caffeine a few months ago, and then gave up warm showers about 3-4 weeks ago. Haven't had alcohol or cigarettes since November. If I was taking methadone it would be on my list of things to stop. Although maybe methadone is the thing keeping you straight.

  22. #22
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    being on methadone is nowhere close to being clean. save the shit for someone else.
    just cause u made it work doesnt mean others will.

    nobody should bash ur choices, we all wish u the best man.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sbabikian View Post
    I have been on methadone for 10 years and guess what I WILL never get off, before you bash me id rather be ALIVE for my family than prove some bs to some people who never matter to me. First off I’m huge.. 5’11” 245 lbs and I used to have the “natural T” of an 85 year old man ( 159!!!) yes 159 at 33 years old. I got serious when I first got on TRT and the test changed MY LIFE. It’s been 4 years now and I blast and cruise like all my boys at the gym and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. I have collapsed veins loose skin and a bunch of shit from my 2 decade descent into drugs. All I’m saying is the MIND and BODY are very powerful, if he truly is clean (only Methadone) he’ll be fine start slow and build up, don’t ever listen to second guessers or haters cause I used to be one now I’m a beast and nothing can stop me. My 2 cents..
    Ever thought of maybe titrating down the dose so you could maybe one day kick it? But yeah opiate users are prone to opiate-induced hypogonadism. But now you're saying it's better to mask the problem of low-t by using gear than to get off the opiates which are likely causing it. I mean if ever getting off the methadone isn't an option, then the TRT is probably the better course of action.

    If you're on methadone, you're not "clean." That's just drug-user rationalization. That would be like for any of us on here saying we're totally natural, because we're only running trt doses of test.

  24. #24
    Most methadone clinics have trt clinics attached or a doctor there that can prescribe testosterone because being on methadone lowers your natural test levels. So it's totally fine to be on trt levels of testosterone on methadone even recommended but I don't know much more then that about it.

  25. #25
    But ya tell him to get off cause the docs there will try to keep you on it the rest of your life.
    Last edited by sean007smith; 08-14-2021 at 08:36 PM. Reason: Wrong post for original msg

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by sean007smith View Post
    Most methadone clinics have trt clinics attached or a doctor there that can prescribe testosterone because being on methadone lowers your natural test levels. So it's totally fine to be on trt levels of testosterone on methadone even recommended but I don't know much more then that about it.
    That is really cool they do that. The pain clinics here dont test anything or even mention low T. they just look at MRI and start scripting. “you feel shitty often? Hmm…we better raise your opiate dose and throw in some muscle relaxers and sleep medicine.”

    It’s a fantastic biz model if one doesn’t give a darn. Start by serving a pain need with high dose opiates and then service the created dependency.

    Physical part of quitting opiates sucks but passes fast enough. The mental part is what sucks the worst. I felt better every month but it took about 6-9 months to feel mostly normal mentally but it can be years longer for long-term opiate users so I don’t blame them for using a crutch to help.

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