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Thread: slin question????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    up north

    slin question????

    i have been reading here for quite some time about slin and how to use it and im still going to wait a while longer befor i even attempt using it. but heres the kicker

    how many aas cycles should i run befor considering the use of slin

    as it stands right now i only have 1 15 week test/dbol cycle under my belt.

    i was thinking something like 7-8 cycles maybe even ten befor i use slin what do you guys think.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    im taking slin now w/o AAS. Nor have I taken them. I only went as far as pro-hormones. As far as saying use them....take them only if ur SURE u know what ur doing. IT IS very dangerous.
    How are you gonna use it, ill help ya out

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    It doesn't matter how many AAS cycles you have done because insulin works differently. You just have to educate yourself on how insulin works, how its used etc.

    If you were to use slin for the first time, I would use it alone first. This way you can get used to what it does to your body. Once you have mastered how to use it you can combine it in a AAS cycle. That will work great for you.

    All the best.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    up north
    ok thanks for the ideas.

    i have read many posts on here and have a few books on the subject.

    basicaly im looking at


    starting at 3-4 iu's post work out only...........10g dextrose per iu unit and a shake with whey protien isloate within 10 milk use water.

    75 minutes a solid meal with 50/50 or even better 60/40 protein to carb mix rice ect solid meal no shake but one could be added if desired.

    stay away from fats while slin is active im injection 4-5 hours.

    i have printed out both stikys on this subject and put them on my desk

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Looks good to me. Sounds like you have done your homework.

    Good luck.


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