Answering your quote with another of your own:
That is Exactly the point.. the board is times bigger now. How can a Mod justify to you every thread he deletes/locks/edits/moves/renames... every posts he deletes/edits/moves.. every member he suspends/warns/bans. Every IP he checks.. Every source he checks.. every scammer he bans...etc?
There are simply not enough hours in the day.
Mods here are given guidelines..and follow them... Effectively i might add.
That hasn't changed. I think what HAS is the respect members have for the time and effort that Mods put into their jobs.
I think you should get over it.. because the 'power trip' you speak of..simply does not exist. Booz did not lock your thread.. Furthermore i can think of no Mods here that have the time to prance about locking threads on a whim.
When a rule is broken we deal with it...
If you don't want your thread deleted.. read the rules( prior to posting.
If someone breaks the rules on your thread.. hit the 'report bad posts' button and it'll be dealt with...
Nothing 'cocky' in that.
I have no idea why this thread is still up...