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Thread: starting again.......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    starting again.......

    hey guys, it has been a long time (almost a year) since I stopped going to the gym and juicing. I have gained weight specially on my abdomen area due to working long hours as an attorney. I'm 5'8 about 185 and right now my BFP is about 35. I want to go back to the way I was a year ago. My cycles consisted on cyp and tren to bulk and then winny and some tren to cut. My main concern is to get motivated to go back to the gym... My left over stash is T4 (about 100pills) about 90 grams of powder winny(almost 1 year old) and about the same of prop powder (that shit is very painful). I know I should loose weigt b/f juicing again. Please any input is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    you havnt been in the gym in a year. get yourself into the gym, get your diet going and thennn after you stay consistant with that you consider taking something to help if needed.. if you had a good build before then you can probably get good results just by going back to the gym

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    if u get ur diet in check and hit the weights religiously.. you will be like a lil virgin and grow like a weed w/o aas.. after you get back into the rhythem and platue then u can utilize aas to break the platues

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    dig that muscle memory... jumps right back

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    i agree with everyone elese. you should try to get a solid base bask and then begin taking your candies again! this will pay off alot more in the end.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Muscle memory. If you've lifted seriously before you'll make fast fast gains. Also, you already have decent weight/hieght ratio so the strength should come back fast.

    Good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    thanks guys, I know I have to go back and hit the weights HARD b/f juicing. It's good to have a community like this one where you can share ideas. I plan on starting the gym today. Wish me good luck.
    PS. As soon as I believe I'm ready, I will seek your help with a cycle. I miss the test so much sometimes I dream about it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks, once again.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Ya your first couple of months you are goign to see a HUGE difference then your going to start leveling off alittle. It is pointless to jump on it right away because yopur gogint o get so much stronger anyway in a short amount of time due to waht everybody else was saying in regards toi muscle memory

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by BARLAW
    I'm 5'8 about 185 and right now my BFP is about 35.
    I don't think your BF is 35%, could be wrong, but you'd be a fatty fat fat fat if it were. Anyway since you're higher on the BF % then most, I'd say the most important thing would be cardio and diet. If you're 35% BF you're not healthy, not even a little bit. Period. I think that's damn near obese. Get that BFP down and get that metabolism cranking. Hit those weights and get your diet in check.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ODC0717
    I don't think your BF is 35%, could be wrong, but you'd be a fatty fat fat fat if it were. Anyway since you're higher on the BF % then most, I'd say the most important thing would be cardio and diet. If you're 35% BF you're not healthy, not even a little bit. Period. I think that's damn near obese. Get that BFP down and get that metabolism cranking. Hit those weights and get your diet in check.
    THat is defeintly obesed(35%). In medical terms (And I could defeintly be wrong on this one) i heard that obbessed is over 20% body fat.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by suckysucky
    THat is defeintly obesed(35%). In medical terms (And I could defeintly be wrong on this one) i heard that obbessed is over 20% body fat.
    You could be right or wrong, I don't know, and don't really care. Bottom line is that 35% is ABSOLUTLEY UNHEALTHY. 20% is unhealthy IMO. Personally, I don't like being over 9-10%, maybe a few points up if I'm bulking during the winter, but never more then that.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    you cant be 35% at that weight height unless ur skeletal structure has been replaced w/ lard

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I am in the same boat as you only further down the river.

    I am 31. I quit as/working out when i was 25. I had done quite a few cycles, and was up to 6ft 225 and usually around 8-9%bf. As of december last year, i was 6ft 210 and probably 20% bf.

    Wait at least 6 months working out natural before you start a cycle.

    1- You have muscle memory working for you, especially with only one year missed. You will gain so much naturally there is no point in taking as.

    2- You could very likely injure yourself. Your muscles will gain strength much more rapidly than your joints and tendons. With no as you will still need to take precautions to prevent injurys. With as, you will hurt yourself. Your chest/tri's will be ready to bench 300 when your joints and tendons still can barely handle 225. Take it easy.

    Its been very tempting to fire one up, but i have to stay on course. Wait, it will all be worth it in the end. You will gain so much just from muscle memory it will appear as you are on a cycle anyway.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    in a hole
    i thgought i made this thread lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    somewhere in HELL !!!
    Go back to the gym,youll see how motivated you are gong to be,then do some cardio 3 or 4 times a week,diet,and in 4 weeks youre see how diferent youre look.Then go with know what to do...just do it...!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BARLOW
    i thgought i made this thread lol
    in a different life youre an attorney

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