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Thread: HGH +Lr3igf-1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    HGH +Lr3igf-1

    Will i see much better results using them both combined? i´ve used hgh and igf-1 but never together, im planning on doing it now. HGH 4iu´s 5on 2 off and Lr3 80mcg /ed and im wondering also i´ve been reading about taking HGH eod ,instead of injecting 4iu´s ed you inject 8ius eod what do you think of this ?has anyone tried it with good results?
    Last edited by hulk100; 04-18-2006 at 02:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I haven't tried it but the study I read about it was done on adolescents who still had their growth plate still open.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Im on 8iu brown tops 5/2 and 120mcg 5/2 igf-1 at the present moment, seems to be leaning out quite nicely but Im in to early to really see the full potential.

  4. #4
    Wow GI, thats quite a bit. I am running 6iu's gh 5on/2off (brown tops) and 80mcgs ED. But its still the first week of the lr3 so its a bit early to tell. I can tell that my tingles and numbness has increased alot and a seem to be sleeping like a friggin rock. Other than that...too early.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Hey guy, clue me in, what are the brown tops or who makes them?


  6. #6
    JB, the brown tops are the chinese generics that h**** and m**** carries. Everybody touts them as being better than jins. I have only ever used generics so I really can't comment on that. But they are damn good.

  7. #7
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    Dec 2004
    I still have to experience any sides with hgh or igf-1, no tingling...maybe once in a while and while lifting today I could feel a tingling sensation while gripping in performing barbell rows. It seems that my arms and hands are more easily becoming numb with the addition of the igf-1 but nothing dramatic. I could say say I had one day that I felt very uncoftorble tingles in my hands, but that was because I increased my dosage rapidly when I jumped on AAS. My sleep is not all that great either, not like I expected when I began the hgh therapy. I still require sleep aids.

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    8IU and 120mcg is quite a lot, you should get awsome gains from that. These brown tops have been fairly popular lately. Must be goos stuff.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Awesome gains, I cant help but to gain weight. Increased LBM and dropping BF. I dont consume more than 3000calories/day and that is now because Ive been increasing my protein intake due to the LR3 igf-1.

  10. #10
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    Generic, so they're more then likely 192aa sequence, I'll pass


  11. #11
    Well supposedly they are 191aa. One of the guys from gensci (if I remember correctly) left the company to start his own. And supposedly he has a better and cheaper method of producing gh, that is 191aa.

    I have used both, and really I didn't see any difference one way or the other. Just that the brown tops were quite a bit better.

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neuromancer
    Well supposedly they are 191aa. One of the guys from gensci (if I remember correctly) left the company to start his own. And supposedly he has a better and cheaper method of producing gh, that is 191aa.

    I have used both, and really I didn't see any difference one way or the other. Just that the brown tops were quite a bit better.
    If that's the case he wouldn't be producing it himself because I doubt he would have the license to do that. As far as I know, GenSci are the only company in China that have the license to produce HGH that contains a 191aa chain sequence. I would say he would be buying it from GenSci and reselling it.

    But I hear you on the brown tops though. I have come across many that are using those at the moment and are really happy with the results. A friend of mine actually switched from the Jins to the brown tops because it was much cheaper for him and he would still be getting the same results. Wether they are 191 or 192aa is beyond my knowledge though.

    Last edited by Gear; 04-20-2006 at 06:20 PM.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Neuromancer
    Well supposedly they are 191aa. One of the guys from gensci (if I remember correctly) left the company to start his own. And supposedly he has a better and cheaper method of producing gh, that is 191aa.

    I have used both, and really I didn't see any difference one way or the other. Just that the brown tops were quite a bit better.
    There is no better way to make 191aa sequence HGH, there's only one way or method to make it and it'll cost the same if it's done the right way. Cheaper HGH only means one thing, 192aa sequence, because it's the cheapest way to make HGH


  14. #14
    I am only going on hearsay here...the source and a few others. But apparently it is liscenced and soon to be labeled and boxed. Unfortunately the price is going to go up a little as well. Not much, only like a cent or two per iu..but it certainly does add up.

    As for the 192aa..I think the whole touchy issue with 192aa gh is really overplayed. Some things I have read seem to point to antibodies being extremely rare..and the actual action of the 192aa gh being equal to the 191aa. In my experience it really is about the same. Besides the fact that the 192aa I was using was lab tested at 85% purity and the 191aa was lab tested at 95+% purity and the obvious increase of action that comes along with the higher purity, I really couldn't tell a difference.

  15. #15
    Gear's Avatar
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    Many use 192aa GH and love it, but this doesn't mean it's ok for everyone else to use too. The antibodies risks still apply, and when compared to 191aa, then the 191aa GH is much safer in terms of antibodies build up. A while ago I read an article about a test that was ran on 191 and 192aa HGH. A bunch of people took 191aa GH, and another bunch (same amount of people that used 191aa GH) used 192aa HGH. The results with the 192aa GH was that almost half of those people had antibodies build up. I know it seems high, but that was the case. If I find the article, I will post it. I think it may already be here on AR in this forum actually.

    191 or 192aa, you are still paying money. Wether its cheap or not, you are still paying money out of your own pocket so my opinion is that you may as well pay a little bit more and decrease the risks of antibody build up, and perhaps get better results too. But that's just what I think.

    Last edited by Gear; 04-21-2006 at 01:42 AM.

  16. #16
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    dirty goddamn south
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Many use 192aa GH and love it, but this doesn't mean it's ok for everyone else to use too. The antibodies risks still apply, and when compared to 191aa, then the 191aa GH is much safer in terms of antibodies build up. A while ago I read an article about a test that was ran on 191 and 192aa HGH. A bunch of people took 191aa GH, and another bunch (same amount of people that used 191aa GH) used 192aa HGH. The results with the 192aa GH was that almost half of those people had antibodies build up. I know it seems high, but that was the case. If I find the article, I will post it. I think it may already be here on AR in this forum actually.

    191 or 192aa, you are still paying money. Wether its cheap or not, you are still paying money out of your own pocket so my opinion is that you may as well pay a little bit more and decrease the risks of antibody build up, and perhaps get better results too. But that's just what I think.


  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear
    Many use 192aa GH and love it, but this doesn't mean it's ok for everyone else to use too. The antibodies risks still apply, and when compared to 191aa, then the 191aa GH is much safer in terms of antibodies build up. A while ago I read an article about a test that was ran on 191 and 192aa HGH. A bunch of people took 191aa GH, and another bunch (same amount of people that used 191aa GH) used 192aa HGH. The results with the 192aa GH was that almost half of those people had antibodies build up. I know it seems high, but that was the case. If I find the article, I will post it. I think it may already be here on AR in this forum actually.

    191 or 192aa, you are still paying money. Wether its cheap or not, you are still paying money out of your own pocket so my opinion is that you may as well pay a little bit more and decrease the risks of antibody build up, and perhaps get better results too. But that's just what I think.

    Well said.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I think if im not misstaken that some guy labbtested the generic hgh i dont know if it was blue or brown tops but anyways it was 191aa ,i´ll try to find out more about it and if i can get the labbanalysis

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2005
    dirty goddamn south
    if you can find that out, also let us know the color and how many i.u. the vial contained, thanks

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