Sorry I don't have a pic. but it "looks" like I've been clearly scammed. I recieved 2 10ML ugl Test. Enthate. I thought everything looked perfect, started my cycle and got to thinking about double checking everything.
The label looks great but if I go to ugl site and look at the Test Enth which is out of production it shows the following:
Starting in Ja. 06' flip tops will be beige and have Testabol Enth stamped
Test produced between Nov. 05' and Jan.06 the fliptopswillbe orange and will have Test. Depot stamped on them.
Well, mine has Man. date of 09/2005; ugl states "Older vials, before November, 2005, have green colored generic flip-off tops.
The vials I have are just as described for the Jan. 06 version with the Sept. or Man. date.
Maybe I'm not getting something here, I've read it a 100 times, I got this from a supposedly "good" source. Comments anyone, are these fake?