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Thread: Guys, Please Help my Biceps!!!

  1. #1

    Guys, Please Help my Biceps!!!

    Please give me some exercises, guys. I cannot seem to get my biceps to peak in this one area(look at pic) where i really need them. It could be i over train them, but i need all the help i can get. Dont judge the pic just judge my workout. Every thursday I always start with triceps, Then biceps...
    Bicep Lifts
    Seated Alternating Curls- 3 sets, 8 reps(heavy as possible with good form)
    Alternating Dumbell Hammer Curls- ...
    Palms Face Down Dumbell Curls- ...
    "Jesus" Cable Curls/Flex Curls- ...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    when your doing your sets 8-10. midway through your 5th rep(halfway point), have your workout partner or someone hold the bar down for 5 seconds causing your arms to not go anywhere but still trying your hardest to get it up. Then finish out the set with help. I hope that makes sense let me know if I didn't explain that right. But sometimes it's just genetics, my triceps grow like no other but my biceps lag.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Caliskrilla yada?!
    Yeah, I was gonna say genetics.... some peoples biceps have a peak and others don't

    But maybe someone else has a good suggestion...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    An apartment
    Dude, if I know anything, its this. And take my advice, you won't regret it.

    #1. Do biceps first, or give them their own day.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada & IRAN
    It would help if you had a pic posted with you flexing your biceps. At least then we would see how bad it is and where it stands.

  6. #6

    bicep worries?

    If you want mass use a dumbell curl or a straight bar curl, if you want peak use hammer curl or EZ-bar curl. For an even more intence workout do the hammer dumbell or EZ curl on a preacher bench and watch that bicep peak!

  7. #7
    Its mainly genetics,
    Like others have said, Try EZ Bar preacher curls, when doing dumbell curls make sure you twist your arm fully as it comes to full contraction.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Pine Brooklyn, Jersey
    i like to do EZ Bar curls but i keep my palms facing outward... its kinda hard to explain, usually when doin EZ curls ur palms r sort of facing an inward angle toward the body, u need to grab the bar so they are both facing outward... if ur doin it right then it will feel weird and much harder but i totally pays off when tryin to make the peaks grow also i stick with 4 sets of 8 reps.... hope this wasnt too confusing GOOD LUCK

  9. #9
    Thanks guys, thanks for all the help...Im going to just split my triceps and biceps into seperate days. Maybe more concentration curls as well...but i didnt know genetics had to do with size of the muscle.

  10. #10
    IXISiDiuSIXI...i think i know where your getting at, for someone to push down on the bar for resistance for 5 secs...midway through, then keep on with the set just with help? right?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hit squats/deads/rows/bench hard and encourage the entire body to grow.

    Your biceps will follow as long as you don't over-train them.


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Pine Brooklyn, Jersey
    ive heard concentration curls are more for definition and it sounds like u want mass to me.... jus something to think about, id save the concentration curls for after bulking

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Executioner
    Dude, if I know anything, its this. And take my advice, you won't regret it.

    #1. Do biceps first, or give them their own day.

    why would you give your biceps their own day? they are one of the smaller muscles on the body

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    well the advice to not train them anymore then the rest of your body is good. you only need to do them once a week like normal but focus on burning them out. add more weight do what you can. i do not like doing biceps on the same day as triceps! after i do a good triceps workout my arms are shot so i cannot get a good bi workout in. i usually train biceps right after my back workout. 3-5 exercies 3 sets.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Superballer
    Yeah, I was gonna say genetics.... some peoples biceps have a peak and others don't

    But maybe someone else has a good suggestion...
    i would have said genetics too, i dont do anything special and i have a peak where he says but i have problem with the upper part, where it connects to the shoulders.. could be genetics.

  16. #16
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Young Boy
    IXISiDiuSIXI...i think i know where your getting at, for someone to push down on the bar for resistance for 5 secs...midway through, then keep on with the set just with help? right?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Bubba Army
    preacher ez bar curls
    db curls
    bent over curls (from the floor) - that will help peak out the bicep

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I guess you should check your food intake& your training together and see where is your weakness !

    poor eating patterns hinder the growth !

    and for the biceps.. do a straight curl.. narrow grip .. and see if it works with you !!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Look behind you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Executioner
    Dude, if I know anything, its this. And take my advice, you won't regret it.

    #1. Do biceps first, or give them their own day.


    Who says you need to do biceps first?

    As SwoleCat said, build the rest of your body through compound exercises, and the smaller parts will follow. All you need to do is blast the small bodyparts at the end of your workout to signal growth. Arms are commonly overtrained.

    As for the peak, some get it, some don't. Genetics play a part along with muscle maturity.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Hit squats/deads/rows/bench hard and encourage the entire body to grow.

    Your biceps will follow as long as you don't over-train them.


    ^^^^ What he said.

    Your arms look decent , everything else seems to be lagging quite a bit....

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins
    I used to be crazy about all the small muslces man I would do like 5 exercises for bi's...I was doing a very effective back routine that consisted of 4 exercises, just as many as for bis, and your back is such a bigger muscle group...POINT? 2 mass building exercises and a burnout if necessary for bi's, thats what I have learned, they are such a small muscle and will come with the rest of the body...The small muscles are all about "blood-volume" in my opinion and really getting em swollen, thats where the best growth of the small muscles come, from my experience anyways...

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Hit squats/deads/rows/bench hard and encourage the entire body to grow.

    Your biceps will follow as long as you don't over-train them.

    Ditto.. judging by your previous thread this is part of your prob.

    Stop obesessing and flogging those small bodyparts.

    4 exercises for biceps? Gimme a break

    Moving this thread to the workout forum by the way..


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Im in no position to give advice LOL But I received some advice from a good source that hammer curls helps with the peak? Ive seen a difference in myself. Have fun!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    this is the workout forum

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