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Thread: NEWBIE: Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! :)

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    NEWBIE: Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! :)

    I'm new to this Forum and would appreciate any advice I could get.

    I began training in traditional boxing (heavy cardio) at 155 lbs around a year ago and then added weight training to the mix around 8 months back at which point I naturally jumped to about 170 and had plateaued there since.

    I spoke with an experienced steroid user I knew from the gym and decided to try out a cycle myself. Although there was siginificant strength increases there was really no weight gain to speak of (hit 175-177 then dropped back to 172 now). Yes, I do believe I have a very fast metabolism but I was training hard (6-7 days a week) and eating all kinds of protien and carbs during the cycle so this leads me to believe it may have been the cycle itself.

    If anyone can have a look at what I took and how I took it and could shed any light on what cycle I should do next it would be greatly appreciated as I'm essentially looking to cut the last layer of fat covering my lowert abs but increase muscular density with some weight gain (185 is my goal)!!

    Here is what I took:

    Week 1 400 mg Deca
    Week 2 400 mg Deca 200 mg EQ
    Week 3 200 mg Deca 400 mg Test
    Week 4 200 mg Deca 400 mg Test

    On about Week 3 I began stacking in 30 mg per day of Dinabol in for about 4 weeks.

    Now that I actually look at the cycle I did it become painfully clear there was something wrong with the way I took that cycle so any advice would be great!!

    Also, I went to do blood work during the cycle to make sure all was well and the only thing that was off was my 'Good Cholestoral' count (HDL) which after reading up on it apparently too many Carbs can cause this to drop, has anyone else experienced that while on a cycle?


    Last edited by vamsjr; 04-28-2006 at 02:12 PM.

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