Is there any type of gear to make to keep receptor sites open to make the gear as affective from the first after 6 weeks??? Or is that a myth???
Is there any type of gear to make to keep receptor sites open to make the gear as affective from the first after 6 weeks??? Or is that a myth???
Well Dildo,
You see.... i dont even know, i highly doubt there are... i just wanted to start a thread... well dildo... lol
Myth, receptor sites do not work that way.
How can I keep my receptor sites open to make full use of the gear im taking???
Gear increases the number of receptor sites.Originally Posted by dildoman
Anyway.. this is not a lab thread
Moving this thread to the steroid questions forum.
Proviron and winny will help free up test. Helping you to keep making gains as I belive that the gains stop due to a build up of SBGH with attaches itself on to test making ineffective and not due to the down regulation of the receptor sites. So my advice is get your hands on some winny or Proviron.
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