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Thread: Ive never done PCT????? help!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Ive never done PCT????? help!!!

    I have done 4 cycles I'm 23 and the more I read the more I feel like a COPMPLETE RETARD for not doing PCT my last cycle was about 2 and half months ago/ I have never had trouble getting it up...I came off my last cycle slowly using less and less test...I have not had any problems YET...but I know I will never do another cycle without using PCT cause I know it will catch up to me...I know I'm stupid please don;t FLAME me but rather help me out...Will I be okay? how long I wanted to do a TREN and Prop Test cycle soon would that be okay I'm 23 and I'm 200 lbs and 6'2 I started out at 154....I would be 220 I bet if I used PCT right? All my cycles have been with test Enthate and deca or eq I did 2 with deca and test and 2 with test and eq...My last cycle didn't go well at all I gained strenth but no more then 8 lbs probably cause I never PCT and because my time off was not much longer then my time on! Well any help and is my body still suffering now? it's been 2 and half month and I feel just fine!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    First thing I would do is go get a blood test done on all your Test levels and set yourself a base line. Dont worry about it, whats done is done, just dont fvck up again in the future

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    yea get blood tests to see if natural test is extremly low or what...sounds like you are ok for now...but i hope you learned your lesson...always do pct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    yes I'll get my blood levels asap...I feel okay... thanks for the feedback

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