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Thread: hgh slin and t3

  1. #1

    hgh slin and t3

    A friend on mine is doing a hgh slin and t3 cycle over the next few months b4 he starts his aas

    when using t3 along with slin and hgh on there own do you lose u muscle as well as fat ? And at what dose should the t3 b run.
    and clen b cycle in to the equation 4 extra fat lose or is it a waste

    Thank u

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolic Singh
    A friend on mine is doing a hgh slin and t3 cycle over the next few months b4 he starts his aas

    when using t3 along with slin and hgh on there own do you lose u muscle as well as fat ? And at what dose should the t3 b run.
    and clen b cycle in to the equation 4 extra fat lose or is it a waste

    Thank u
    First off,T3 is not neccesary at all while running HGH.It is an anabolic board myth posted by some YODA wannabee who had his head way to far up his ass.Secondly,should your friend decide to run T3 along with HGH/Slin,he'd be running no more than 25 mcgs ED.That dose won't burn any muscle tissue.
    I highly doubt your friend will loose any BF while running slin with or without HGH.You have to have a picture perfect diet in order to do that,And it's rather hard to accomplish.Most likely he'll put on BF while running slin.

    Clen has been shown in studies to make you insulin insensative,so running clen with HGH might not be a great idea since HGH triggers the release of IGF in organs,and as we all know IGF(insulin-like growth factor) make you more insulin sensative.
    I know when I ran LR3 IGF-1 along with Clen,I had piss poor results from the LR3 IGF-1.A few of my buddies experienced the same thing as well.


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