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Thread: sus 250/ deca/d-ball/ 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Question sus 250/ deca/d-ball/ 2nd cycle

    I have 30 shots Pakistani sus 250
    10 normas hellas deca from Greece
    220 Bionabols(d-bols)

    This is my second true cycle, I am 5'9 about 184ish, will this pack some size on to me. This is all I have money for right now so I can't get more.

    D-bol 30-40 mg/day
    Sus 250 750 mg/week
    deca 200/ 200mg/week

    Will I add some decent size from this? I wish I could get more deca but I cant wait another two weeks for a pay check. I think this cycle will be sufficient, comments please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    In my opinion yes you will add some good amount of size. 30-35mg of dbol shouldn't be bad. 750mg of sus... man that will really be big time. 200mg of deca isn't bad neither. good luck, and make sure you drink your vitamin c and have that nolvadex and clomid in hand

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I would try and get 5 more amps of sust and make it 300mg of deca a week, 35mg of dbol is good, also, winny at the end of the cycle is always a plus!

    Good luck bro.

    Post cycle????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    down south
    Wow. That is the EXACT cycle I am running right now. I'm in week 3 right now and starting to feel the test. I'm getting a hard on all the time. Anyway, I am noticing some strength increase and I'm looking forward to more. I've also put on a few pounds, probably from the d-bol this early. I'll let you know how it goes.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    South AFrica
    all of u guys are so lucky you can get the money for this shit still being 17 and having to pay my own way behind my dads back is really hard even with a weekend job man the only cycles i can run are basically during my b-day and x-mas and maybe in the middle of the year and there is no way on gods swwet earth that i could ever afford HGH in the state i am now( Money i mean)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Ok - you just explained it all. You are 17 - then don't do this stuff - go buy some creatine, a book on weightlifting, go to the gym and eat alot of protein. You are dumb if you touch AAS anytime in the next 4 years.

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