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Thread: Test E, EQ for 10 weeks - Tren and winny for 6 weeks starting week 7 (Good or Bad)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    6'6" 240

    Test E, EQ for 10 weeks - Tren and winny for 6 weeks starting week 7 (Good or Bad)

    235 (looking to hit 255)

    I lift 6 days a week ( alterating bodyparts each day ) about 5 years without breaks longer than a week or two for vacations

    I eat a solid diet about 3000 calories a day... high protien most carbs coming from fruits and vegetables... supplement with isopure zero carb i get my fats from nuts and oils... no saturated fats

    Previous aas use:

    6 weeks winny and tren spring 2005

    10 weeks EQ and Test E winter 2006

    I liked the results of both..

    I think it would be fun to combine them all in to one cycle?

    Anyone ever do something simmilar to this b4?

    here is my game plan

    Test E - EQ - Tren - Winny
    w1 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr
    w2 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr
    w3 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr
    w4 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr
    w5 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr
    w6 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr
    w7 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr 100mg EOD 50mg EOD
    w8 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr 100mg EOD 50mg EOD
    w9 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr 100mg EOD 50mg EOD
    w10 250mg-m&th 400mg-tu&fr 100mg EOD 50mg EOD
    w11 100mg EOD 50mg EOD
    w12 100mg EOD 50mg EOD
    w13 100mg EOD 50mg EOD

    I need to know more about pct

    any advice as to what i would need to run wiht this type of cycle would help.

    Last edited by upstater12; 05-16-2006 at 08:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    akron oh
    i would run the test threw week 14 and the EQ til 12 o 13 because it takes a while to kick in and id start the tren from week one until week 6 or 7 and then throw the winny in until the end but run the test a week longer then followed by pct that is only what id personally do for me i dont know your stats age experience so if you want more help or better info post some stats

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    i wouldn't run all 4 being your 3rd cycle, just use 3 of them. I just ran a 18 week test/eq/winny cycle and put on 30 pounds and ended up keeping 20 of it. Also lost 5 percent body fat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    6'6" 240
    thx for the suggestions

    i have been told that i should run 10mg of nolvadex starting at about week 5 throughout the rest of my cycle...

    what are your thoughts on this and also what is the best stuff to take to reboost my natural levels of test and avoid any sides?

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