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Thread: Sust & Deca injection issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Sust & Deca injection issues

    Took my 3rd Sust and Deca injections 2 days ago.
    The area where the Deca was injected is like a welt and itchy (actually has a slightly numb feeling)......this has happened mildly once or twice in the past when I was on a Equipoise cycle.

    I always use a new needle everytime, per injection meaning I use one for the Deca and one for the I don't see where the problem is.

    It seems to sorting itself out now, although i expected it to be a little more better by now.
    Anyone here have some idea's on this?

    I'm due for my next injections tomorrow night, and don't particularly want to inject neat that area again until its cleared up.

    And lastly, to save my ass from 12 weeks of 4 injections a week......are there alternative areas to shoot Sust and Deca (I've been advised against shooting Sust in the shoulder, but told deca is fine)

    All opinions welcome....

  2. #2
    You can shoot Sus in your delt and mix it with the Deca, you should be shooting the Sus eod though!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I feel for you bro. I had a bad reaction to sust myself which ended up with an infection. I shot in the glute. I think the safest place to shoot sust ironically would be in the glutes. Alot of people dislike sust for many particular reasons one being the painful shots as well as adverse reactions to it. Try the glute and see how it works...Im on week 2 and im holding off on the sust till maybe week 5 just because im terrified of getting an infection as well.

    My recommendation to you is use 1 needle to draw and swap it with a clean one. So if you shot decca and sust you should use 4 needles. Its a small price to pay but your chances of getting an infection greatley decrease.

    Check out this site w.w.w.s p o t i n j e c t i o n s.c.o.m
    Great pictures for injection sites.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    You can shoot in your shoulders and thighs, which will give you more areas to use instead of just your glutes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I do draw with a different needle to what I shoot with.....although I'm drawing the Sust and Deca with the same needle and using 2 different ones to shoot each.

    The Sust has actually been problems. Its just the last shot of Deca the created this welt on my ass.

    @xtralarg - I know I "should" be shooting the Sust EOD, but a while ago when I posted that I wanted to shoot it twice a week I was told it would work fine, although I know its not ideal.

    If I were to mix the Sust and Deca it would work out to 4ml of fluid being injected in one go twice a week.....sound ok to you?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by SBZ
    I do draw with a different needle to what I shoot with.....although I'm drawing the Sust and Deca with the same needle and using 2 different ones to shoot each.

    The Sust has actually been problems. Its just the last shot of Deca the created this welt on my ass.

    @xtralarg - I know I "should" be shooting the Sust EOD, but a while ago when I posted that I wanted to shoot it twice a week I was told it would work fine, although I know its not ideal.

    If I were to mix the Sust and Deca it would work out to 4ml of fluid being injected in one go twice a week.....sound ok to you?
    Well whoever told you that 2x per week is ok for sus is wrong.Prop needs to be shot eod or ed otherwise your blood levels will be up and dowm, your choice though.
    4ml im one shot is a no no.3ml max imo.There are many sites you can use, if you cant handle eod shots then i would suggest that sus is not for you and myabe you should be thinking of test e or c.

    All IMHO DYOR etc etc

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SBZ
    Took my 3rd Sust and Deca injections 2 days ago.
    The area where the Deca was injected is like a welt and itchy (actually has a slightly numb feeling)......this has happened mildly once or twice in the past when I was on a Equipoise cycle.

    I always use a new needle everytime, per injection meaning I use one for the Deca and one for the I don't see where the problem is.

    It seems to sorting itself out now, although i expected it to be a little more better by now.
    Anyone here have some idea's on this?

    I'm due for my next injections tomorrow night, and don't particularly want to inject neat that area again until its cleared up.

    And lastly, to save my ass from 12 weeks of 4 injections a week......are there alternative areas to shoot Sust and Deca (I've been advised against shooting Sust in the shoulder, but told deca is fine)

    All opinions welcome....
    You might of just had a reaction to the prop is the zest. I have heard of a lot of people with this. next injection try to inject the zest in one spot and the decay in the other so you can find out what compound you are have a reaction to. then go from there....good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Thanks for your help bro....much appreciated.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by J0E
    You might of just had a reaction to the prop is the zest. I have heard of a lot of people with this. next injection try to inject the zest in one spot and the decay in the other so you can find out what compound you are have a reaction to. then go from there....good luck
    Thanks.....but I already know its the Deca because I injected them in different spots.
    The Deca spot is the one that went like a welt

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    the first time i used deca i was painful as well but it did turn red. if your body doesn't react well to deca then just drop it. sust will offer great gain alone.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Thanks for all the feedback....

    I've always shot in the glutes. If I'm going to use the shoulders then do I just inject bang in the centre, similar to where my Doc used to when i was a kid?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by xtralarg
    Well whoever told you that 2x per week is ok for sus is wrong.Prop needs to be shot eod or ed otherwise your blood levels will be up and dowm, your choice though.
    4ml im one shot is a no no.3ml max imo.There are many sites you can use, if you cant handle eod shots then i would suggest that sus is not for you and myabe you should be thinking of test e or c.

    All IMHO DYOR etc etc
    well only 30mg of that mixture is prop..another 60 is phenylprop which can be shot e3d i see your reasoning but i think it could be stretched to 3 days while still keeping efficiency..its only 30mg but yes i agree the more frequent the shooting the better


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