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Thread: Need Some Help

  1. #1

    Need Some Help

    To give some back ground info I am 23 years old 6'1 225 pounds and around 17 percent body fat. I am a newbie to steriods and to the cite. However I have read the educational threads and have found great information on cycles and post cycle treatment. I have been lifting due to sports for the past 8 years and have just dieted right and took protien. I have now decided to get a little help to increase deffinition to my body. I was just given 100 tabs of stanozolol from a friend. I looked at the box and they say 2mg a pill does that seem right? most of the cycles I have scene posted have like 25mg in there cycle. If these pills are legit what typle of cycle should I do with them. I know winny isnt much without a stack but i think it could help give me a little extra to my workout. Thanks for your help and look forward to your post

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    IMHO all first cycle's should be test only either test E or C 300 to 500 mg A week for 10 to 12 week's.

    Winny need's to be run at atleast 50mg ed so you dont have enough to do anything with any way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006
    IMHO all first cycle's should be test only either test E or C 300 to 500 mg A week for 10 to 12 week's.

    Winny need's to be run at atleast 50mg ed so you dont have enough to do anything with any way.

    What he said !!!!!! Good Info, use it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    Quote Originally Posted by Gman80
    To give some back ground info I am 23 years old 6'1 225 pounds and around 17 percent body fat. I am a newbie to steriods and to the cite. However I have read the educational threads and have found great information on cycles and post cycle treatment. I have been lifting due to sports for the past 8 years and have just dieted right and took protien. I have now decided to get a little help to increase deffinition to my body. I was just given 100 tabs of stanozolol from a friend. I looked at the box and they say 2mg a pill does that seem right? most of the cycles I have scene posted have like 25mg in there cycle. If these pills are legit what typle of cycle should I do with them. I know winny isnt much without a stack but i think it could help give me a little extra to my workout. Thanks for your help and look forward to your post
    IMO you need no Steroid man, you should work on bringing down you BF level NATURALLY 1st at least to 12% no higher than that then go on a cycle.

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