Hey guys... i'd like your input here.
Some guess work i wouldn't mind
Postwhoring (+1 posts) will be deleted forthwith... questions will not
To the meat of the matter i'm thinking about changing my approach to getting in contest shape this year.
Usually, since i'm a drug-tested athelete, i cut without the use of anabolics.
This year however, i'd like to hold more size going into the contest.
This brings up some 'problems'
I could:
a. cycle for the first 5 weeks of my prep (my prep is 12 weeks long in total).. complete PCT (4 weeks).. and continue cutting clean for another 3 weeks. Hopefully the 3 week post-pct period would be enough to establish a 'legal' testosterone/epitestosterone ratio. It is necessary that PCT end 3-4 weeks before the contest because the SERMs; AIs and their metabolites are tested for. Nolvadex in particular has a long-acting metabolite (3 weeks circulatory time)...
b. Cycle straight up to the contest.
My planned approach to cycling straight up the show would be to utilise testosterone propionate til 3 weeks out.. then drop it and run a homebrew solution of test base + epitestosterone suspension.
Why epitestosterone?
Because when using exogenous test, the epi test ratio is skewed...
My thinking is.. run the test/epi suspension til one week out.. at a muscle building dosage (for lean mass maintenance)
The lower it from one week out til the day of the show.. I plan on lowering it to a daily dosage that would mimic my normal natural testosterone output
The exogenous supplementation of epitestosterone should allow the ratio to be favourable.. thus legal.. as the test/epi-test will be suspended in a 1:1 ratio.