Hi All,
Just want to share with you my next cycle which will start in September and get your thoughts.
First, here are my stats:
182 lbs
Train for nearly 7 years
4 cycles (unfortunately the 3rd done with fake products)
I decide to try the EQ this time, so:
1-13 Test E 500mg/week
1-12 EQ 400mg/week
1-6 DBol 20mg/day (10mg breakfast and 10 mg before bed - best way for me)
10-15 Winny 70mg/day (oral - can't inject ED)
1-15 Nolva 20mg/day
16-18 Nolva 40mg/day
16-18 Clomid (150 - 100 - 50 mg/day)
All your feedback and suggestion are welcome, thx.