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Thread: Have to ask about mixing solutions just found out something>

  1. #1

    Have to ask about mixing solutions just found out something>

    I'm on my first cycle.
    around 8th week havent gotten bigger for like a month str8 up
    been pumping
    600mgs of Test E and Eq. a week.
    I just found out a reason for stunt growth is that
    i was doing 1cc of test and 1cc of eq in the same syringe.
    People have been telling me that the Eq/Deca would limit the test.
    --Basically does this matter if i mix solution or just have prefferbaly 1 shot of all test
    and then 1 shot of Eq.

    its an interesting question hopefully someone can give me science or anyones opinion would be highly appreciated ThankYou...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Not interesting at all. It makes absolutely no difference if you mix them in the same syringe or not. If your not gaining it probably has everything to do with you diet IMO.

  3. #3
    yea i figured everyone mixes, but my friend just told me some roided said not to mix his test wit his deca cuz the deca would supress the test and you wont get the full benefits of the test,.the mass and strength)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Stefinoplex
    yea i figured everyone mixes, but my friend just told me some roided said not to mix his test wit his deca cuz the deca would supress the test and you wont get the full benefits of the test,.the mass and strength)
    Complete and utter bullshit !!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Makes no sense whatsoever.

    Kale is right, check the nutritional portion of your protocol.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    yea bro it cant be the gear combined.. its either diet, or gear is not real

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    as a matter of fact its better to mix them for stable blood levels..if you are doing all test on monday and all eq on thursday (assuming your injections are split 2x/week) this would go against the whole point of keeping blood levels stable mixing you be able to split them up evenly each 2x/week check the diet and never listen to someone saying "deca will suppress the test" craziest thing ive ever heard deca/test works together to build mass or test and any other compound for that matter

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