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Thread: Conditioning in the British natural scene is getting stupid and...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England

    Conditioning in the British natural scene is getting stupid and...

    ......I no longer really want to be involved in it and think ill be retiring from it after this year.

    The natural British bodybuilding scene these days reminds me of the persuits of Muntzer in the 90's, Minus the steroids.
    Condition is king. Sure guys will never be as large as their juiced counterparts, but they can certianly be as lean.

    Not a criticism of the american natural feds, but it's been observed by guys i have spoken who have gone over there to compete that the insaine conditioning ideology has yet to get so prevelant over there. (maybe thats why the british had almost a clean sweep at the worlds and the current Mr universe is british as is The world champ). So if you have seen an american natural comp it's a slightly different ball game for the moment (or so i have been told)

    I have been to many shows and believe it or not the only time i have been truly freaked out by a competetors condition was at a natural comp, and i'm not just talking about singular competetors, but lots of guys.

    It's not unheard of for guys 10% or less to cut for up to 6 months to get Muntzer style ripped for shows. You have to see these guys in person, pictures do not do them justice. At one comp one of the heavyweights turned round and hiked up his trunks. The women sitting behind me began to gag in pure disgust, his hams and glutes were so cut and dry it was if someone had torn off his skin. I just sat dumbfounded.

    I love bodybuilding and i love competing, but it seems that where as in the non tested feds guys can play the size game, for the natty's we have to play the conditioning game.
    10 week diet, too short
    15 week diet not long enough now
    20 week diet depending on bodytype possibly long enough
    6 month diet, good chance of reaching winning condition.
    With every year guys show up more and more ripped. Just like dorian set the standard for size and suddenly half the guys at the O were over 250, we have guys showing up looking like they are a walking corpse, then next year we have several.

    I don't want to diet for that long. I dont want to have to put my body through that. I don't even think i could. And so what does that mean for me?
    Even if i present a well balanced, aesthetically pleasing physique with good musculature if i don't have that conditioning im buggered.

    This kind of conditioning, once very rare is now almost becomming expected. And this pic does not do this guy justice, he would blow you're mind if you saw him in person.

    So what am i gonna do?
    Well compete this year. I have already done 9 of my 17 week diet, and i'll see how i stack up to my competition, but after that i think i'll be done in the naturals untill the insaine conditioning trend subsides. It's just going too far.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Ont, CAN
    thats not healthy, just wondering how many of these guys collapse after a show? Water is the basic element of all life and these guys should try drinking some.

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