You can't rule organ growth out totally.The heart gets enlarged over years of strenous weight lifting.Most athletes have a slightly enlarged heart.
Thing is,you have to be VERY CAREFUL in this forum.There are some(1 in particular) ppl here who post studies and mislead ppl into thinking they have ACTUAL FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE WITH HGH.When in fact they have ZERO first hand knowledge/experience.I'll listen to a guy who has been in the trenches running variuous doses of HGh for years over some supposed HGH guru that actually has ZERO experience to share.
I suggest you do your own research and more-so experiment yourself running HGH. If you listen to "these" supposed gurus you'll never get results at all.You'll just remain a tiny little fvk like they are.Maybe that's what "they" want?

Misery does like company.Isn't that what they say?