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Thread: igf question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    somewhere eating

    igf question

    I wanted to ask somebody with personal expierence on losing bodyfat with igf1. Is it really worth it to lose fat on it? i was thinking about doing it for pct therapy. and using t3 with it? Is it worth the cost. I hear alot of mixed emotions on it. I am currently at 12.8 percent bodyfat. I think it might help to get down to those lower digitis but i would like to hear your oppinions. I will do lost of cardio on it and strict dieting? What do you think. I am coming of a test e/winy cycle in about 3 weeks and want to make sure i find out if its worth it


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    why dont you try jus the diet and cardio first bro.....coming down on BF is not that difficult if you put the work in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    somewhere eating
    bigmax thanks again lol........yea i know...I lost alot trust me...i lost thirty pounds then down went down to 15% body fat but i am stuck. but i have been finding any difficult to get any lower. I run about two miles a day and a good diet? Any suggestions? but for my own curiousity does it really help? or am i really just better off running harder and doing clen and t3? I cant get rid of the body stomach. I feel like it is impossible thats why igf1 got me interested. I feel like it would help me get into single digits. I dont know, thats why i am asking for advice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Yes I uderstand..but you dont want to get caught up in the chemical thing...They help but dont do it may want to post your diet on the diet forum and get some help there.Then go to the workout forum and talk about your cardio....cardio should be done at certain times of the day or night for optimal fat for the IGF working well ...Ive talked to people that raved about it and some people say it sucks.I'm a diabetic so for me it s No NO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    somewhere eating
    Yea....I know cardio is better in the morning on an empty stomach but i cant with my schedule..... I work out at nite so i do cardio like at 9:30 at teh end of it....what sucks i burn alot of calories and i have a protein drink when i get home and some egg whites......i dont like eating that late but then i wont sleep lol..... I am going to take your advice and hold on the igf1 for a while and save my money. I iwll just go into a standard pct. Thanks for your advice the way when you mean the chemical thing you mean igf1 one correct? not clen and t3


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