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Thread: Letro Dosage for PCT

  1. #1

    Letro Dosage for PCT

    alright i had all my information down for letro that i need to be taking for pct but i seem to have lost the info i wrote down. this is my first cycle/pct so i want to do this right. my bottle is 30 ml of 2.5mg/ml. what dosage ed and how long should i run this for my pct.

    thanks in advance for your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    If possible I would stay away from letro during PCT until you are more experienced. Despite what many people "parrot" it CAN be used in conjunction with other compounds during PCT. In fact many people now advocate for an AI and a SERM for PCT. So why people think letro is not a good idea Im not too sure. Well sorry, I do understand why. It can decrease libido a lot due to its strong nature and this makes judging your natural test levels a little difficult, also it's effect can be diminished with the use of nolva (which is included in almost ALL pct regimines, and for good reason is a must I would say). But I dont see a big problem with nolva reducing its effectiveness, I mean it doesnt really take any of its POWER awway so to speak but rather will decrease the amount that will be active in your blood as far as I know. That being said who cares? Fine its decreased by nolva, ok so either take a bit more or just stick with a smaller dose anyways as it is still going to stimulate your testes to produce more testosterone, and in fact is VERY good at it.

    You see aromasin and arimidex being used constantly in PCT now, so why not letro? I usually run it for a little while in PCT but NEVER until the end because of an estrogen rebound and to make sure I can feel my sex drive. The same goes for the above mentions AI's as well though. I would never suggest using arimidex or aromasin throughout your entire PCT and rather for the first 3-4 weeks and using nolva a full 6 weeks (longer if needed, but if any longer I would see a doctor for blood tests).

    Like I said before though it probably isnt the best idea to experiment with letro if you have only done a cycle or two before. Get your PCT down to perfection first using nolva + clomid or whatever you use. Then when you know how you recover and how you react etc try letro for another cycle as an add on and see if it suits you more than other PCT's you have used in the past.

    It is always good to experiment as everyone is different. But I urge that you try stick with the safe and easy ways first. Just like a test only cycle for a beginner, a beginners PCT should also be standard and include nolva and clomid or nolva and liquidex etc. Save letro for another time unless you are pretty sure you know your body and PCT pretty well.

    I will be using a combination of clomid, nolva, HCG and letro for my PCT this month. Will let people know how this combo works. I may use aromasin but dont want to throw too many variables into the mix. May even drop the clomid, just see how it goes and modify as needed.

  3. #3
    hmm thanks for the info c bino. i had done some reasearch before hand on pct and i have seen alot of people using letro for pct. i do have nolva but i was told not to mix the 2 together due to diminishing effects. i have taken the letro and my body seems to react to it fairly well. would it be a good idea to run letro lets say week 1 week 2 and nolva the following weeks.

    again thanks for the advice in advance

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddy2003
    hmm thanks for the info c bino. i had done some reasearch before hand on pct and i have seen alot of people using letro for pct. i do have nolva but i was told not to mix the 2 together due to diminishing effects. i have taken the letro and my body seems to react to it fairly well. would it be a good idea to run letro lets say week 1 week 2 and nolva the following weeks.

    again thanks for the advice in advance
    Ya man I think if you have used it before or whatever you will be fine using it now. I wasnt saying YOU personally had no experience but just making sure I stressed that it isnt for a beginner. But that is just my opinion anyways.

    I would say use it for the first 3 weeks and run nolva for atleast 2 weeks past.

    What is your exact PCT day-by-day bro?
    Write it out for me so we can get it perfect for you.

    BTW any mod who wants to move this to the PCT forum would be appreciated.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    What is your exact PCT day-by-day bro?
    Write it out for me so we can get it perfect for you.
    that was my question, as stated above i wrote down all the information on dosages and have lost my paper.. stupid me i will be smarter and put it on my computer next time. but my real question is just E/D dosages.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Oh ok I see. But you plan to use nolva and letro and nothing else correct?

    Then I would say something like this:
    1-3 Letro .5mg ed
    1-5/6 Nolva 20mg ed.

    Possibly start the nolva at 40mg for the first week or two if you like.

  7. #7
    yes it would be nolva and letro. thanks for the info C Bino everyone here is always very helpful

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