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Thread: where to donate Money???

  1. #1

    Question where to donate Money???

    I hear on The radio today that a man in the Radio program was debbate with a Left wing activist and she was angry becouas he hade donate Money to Israel Army.

    And I was happy becoaus i wonder How can I donate money!!
    I made a direct break off frome the work after that and was pick up the phone
    and I call Israel embassy in Stockholm.

    And take about that I heard one the radio and I wonder where to donate Money over Internet???.

    She was very happy.
    She tolde me a but this site dos not seem to work!.

    Now!! What to do!!
    I call agen to the Israel embassy in Stockholm.
    ore can you help me to finde a "NOT true donate sit"!!
    I dont whant to finde out it`s a scammer site!!

    With frendly greatnings.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    USA gives israel plenty enough money, really no need to donate.

  3. #3
    so what.. Maby it is enough to a box of hand granades!!! LOL.
    thats it

  4. #4
    no man , lets give em more money, not enough lebanese women and children are dying, lets help israel kill more. buy more guns, misslles, and tanks, good idea.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by painiscoming
    no man , lets give em more money, not enough lebanese women and children are dying, lets help israel kill more. buy more guns, misslles, and tanks, good idea.
    Israel are NOT doning this for fun!!!

    No one can say ..!!
    Kill is fun!!
    And it`s stupid to belive israel do this in Libanon for fun!!

    A terroris can say -: Kill thats fun!!
    Suicide Bombing Aftermath (Graphic)

    Do you think you can tak with Hizbola?
    It is very hard to frighten Hizbola to death!!

    so what els to do for Israel!.

    The end is When Israel is a free Nation.
    Last edited by The OutLord; 07-22-2006 at 08:48 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Turn off the TV or change the channel. This is something out of your control.

    Nothing will ever change over there.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Turn off the TV or change the channel. This is something out of your control.

    Nothing will ever change over there.

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