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Thread: Diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Essex, UK!



    Just trying to sort my diet out before my 1st cycle (will be running 500ml sustanon a week for 10 weeks).

    So got a few questions here:

    1, Does it basically work like, the more clean calories i eat per day, the better the cycle results?

    2, Carbs, is a high number of carbs good for the cycle?

    3, I dont eat much meat, will just eat lots of chicken, but can i replace the beefs etc with other foods high in calories?

    Stats at the moment are:

    Weight: 10 stone 2 pounds (uk)
    Height: 5 foot 10'

    I would like to eat 5000 - 6000 calories a day, with a good diet to get the most out of the cycle, will use pct after the test to keep my gains.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    im somewhat new here myself but the first thing you're going to hear from the guys here is if its your first cycle you should start with either test e or test c at 500mg/week

    in terms of clean calories your gonna want to get around 4000-5000 a day i think 6000 might be somewhat overdoing it but it is different for each person

    for carbs in a bulking cycle you definatley want to pack them on especially right after a workout, do a search on dextrose/malodextrin and how much you should be getting after your workout, but for carbs it all depends on whether your going for a bulking cycle or a cutting cycle

    check out the diet forum and give them a normal day of food and you will get all the answers you need

    good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Essex, UK!
    Hi - thankyou

    Well, im going for a bulking cycle, the sustanon ive researched all about, and my friend uses it with great success, thats why im going down that route.

    I said 6000 because im pretty skinny at the moment

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Learnin from the best...
    hey bro, i am going to move this to the diet forum, where the experts like Swolecat will be glad to help ya..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Essex, UK!
    Excellent, thankyou

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sustanon only cycle is ok.
    1)Eat clean and you will get clean results. Meaning too many carbs and calories will lead to fat gain. Calories are only part of the equation, there are more micro elements to be looked at.
    2)Carbs are good as long as you are not overconsuming(intake) then you are spending(outake) if you intake is to elevated then eventually it'll lead to fat gain
    NB: I'm assuming you want "clean" muscle gain and not just weight gain.
    3)The main element we are looking at in meats is protein not just calories. Preferably lean cuts high protein. Therein lies the reason why people prefer chicken breasts over legs. So chicken beef, tuna, fish, deer, eggs, et cetera.

    Remember if you dont have nutrition and training correct, steroids shall yield no results. You want to perfect those so that you can derive the max potential out of the cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    if you do not have the basics of diet and nutrition down yet, in no way are you ready for gear.

    i'm sure I won't be the only one who responds as such.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Essex, UK!
    Quote Originally Posted by TR'05
    if you do not have the basics of diet and nutrition down yet, in no way are you ready for gear.

    i'm sure I won't be the only one who responds as such.

    Hence this thread?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I don't mean to sound like an asshole or anything, bro. The fact that you have started this thread is a clear indication that in no way are you even close to your maximum potential for puting on size and muscle naturally. With a proper diet and training regime you WILL see outstanding results- you just need patience. Hold off on a cycle for the time being. At this point, it is verging on a waste of money.

    Check out the bulking sticky on top of the diet threads. Hard work, dedication, and willingness to learn will result in real, permanent results.

    Toss a diet together and many members will be willing to comment and give youa advice. Try searching for past members' diets to get some ideas.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Matt post yoour current diet. I don't think it seems correct. Also before going on sust make sure u have a proper diet. IMO i think 6k cals is way to much. JMO

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Clearly not ready for a cycle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You don't even have a diet here for critique, so how you are going to take AAS is news to me.

    Cart before the horse, not good at all.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Essex, UK!
    Hey guys

    1st off, i have not brought the suss yet, i'll know exactly when im ready to start the cycle, i'll everything in check, so you dont need to tell me to hold off, ive not even said when im starting a cycle lol.

    I dont have a current diet for a cycle, i started this thread to learn what i should be aiming for in my diet, with regards to carbs, calories, 6k cals i thought would give me a good boost?

    My diet is seeming hard to put together, seeing as i dont eat meat or dairy, but i can stomach chicken, for this cycle, im a vegan, who is saying he'll eat mass amounts of chicken for a cycle, if thats not dedication, you can shove

    At the moment im trying to sort a real diet out, get it all sorted and worked out properly, before i start any cycle.



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt2323
    if thats not dedication, you can shove it.
    No, but you can shove the "help me please". That's not dedication at all, that's a basic requirement in the game of fitness you are wishing to play.

    Eating chicken is fine, that means you aren't a Vegan. You either are or you aren't. At least you are willing to eat one meat source, because being a Vegan and wanting to bodybuild/take gear is an assinine thing IMHO. Like wanting to be a doctor but not wanting to go to medical school, it's just backasswards and lame.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I agree...not a vegan. Wonder how long it will take for him to throw up at the site of a chicken breast if thats one of his only protein sources.
    Definitely need to throw up a diet before even bringing up the thought of AAS.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Essex, UK!
    I probably will throw the chicken up, because i am a vegan, but i want to build my body more.

    I never said "help me please", you either help, or you dont, i'll find someone who is nice enough to help if you dont want to......leave the thread.

    So, as long as i get the calories, it doesnt matter what source i get them from?


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt2323
    I never said "help me please", you either help, or you dont, i'll find someone who is nice enough to help if you dont want to......leave the thread.
    You are in no position to give orders here Vegan boy. As a moderator I'll comment where/when I see fit, whether you like it or not. I'll leave the thread, and I'll leave it locked as well.

    You did ask for help, that's why your whack ass thread exists in the first place, as you have no basic understanding of nutrition at all.

    Good luck finding someone to help you, believe me, you are in need of major help but w/your choice of lifestyle and attitude, you're not going to get anywhere positive.

    Let the wheels spin.


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