i'm about to run a decca 200mg(12 weeks) and test e 500mg cycle(15 weeks)...should i run letro ED or EOD or just keep it handy...and if i should run it during my cycle at what dosage?i have nolva and clomid for pct.
thanx guys
i'm about to run a decca 200mg(12 weeks) and test e 500mg cycle(15 weeks)...should i run letro ED or EOD or just keep it handy...and if i should run it during my cycle at what dosage?i have nolva and clomid for pct.
thanx guys
200mg deca probably wont do much of anything just to let you know. Anyways, I would always run letro ed not eod.
i meant 400mgs deca...sorry typo...anyways should i run the letro everyday or just have it just in case...if i should run it everyday...how much??
Well yes ed is best choise for anything oral. This is of course solely my opinion and know people that use the eod appraoch but the clearing time of orals is so fast that ed is better. I have used letro eod and had signs of gyno appear.
A dose of .25mg ed would suffice for you. Whether you need it or not I cant tell you and no one can. But I think it is best if you are using deca along with your test.
Also 400mg------>good choice.
thanx bino!!!
No worries, good luck.
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