Hi all. Will be starting a clean bulk on monday 31/07/06. I cut down for the summer to see what I looked like and I have decided to compete next April in the UKBFF south Coast. I am undecided whether to enter first timers or a weight class but theres plenty of time to think on that one.
I have been training seriously for around 3 years and before that on and off but never seriously. At one point I was 22 stone of flab which took me a year to cut!!
Stats: age 30, Height 5'9" weight 87kilos BF arond 14% (did cut back to about 10% for summer but I have slowly started ramping up carbs ect in the last month.
Cycle experience. This will be my 5th cycle. I ran a couple of badly researched cycles when younger, other than that I have run test E, Dbol and Deca twice and Prop, Winny and Tren just before summer. Also used various fat loss compounds (ECA,Clen,T3)
I have been clean for over 2 months and have been saving the pennies for this next cycle which is as follows.
1-20 GH 4iu ED (will start with 2iu for first week then increase)
1-5, 11-15, IGFLr3 (Lions) 40mcg post workout (mon-fri) shot IM
6-10 16-20, Novorapid Slin 8iu PWO Shot IM
1-12 EQ 600mg per week split twice weekly
1-13 Test E 1000mg per week split twice weekly
1-4 Dbol 50mg ED taken 1 hour pre workout with grapefruit juice
1-4 Liquidex .5 per day
4-end Nolvadex 10mg per day
1-20 T4 100mcg ED
1-13 HCG 500iu twice weekly
16-20 PCT Nolva,Clomid.
10.30 Wake, BCAA 5g, L cart 1g, HMB 1 G, Arginine. GH
11.00 Cardio 30mins
12.00 BCAA 5g, ALA. L Glutamine 5g Lean Protein. Oatmeal, Whey. Multi Vit, Vit C, Glucosamine, D Liver, RALA/Bitoin, Liv52, Garlic, ANY MED
2.30 Lean Protein. Oatmeal, Whey. RALA/Biotin, Vit C, Saw palmetto 2. Lcart. GH , Grapefruit juice, Meds
3.30 Creatine, Folic, Taurine, Arginine,
3.55 Shake, BCAA.
4.00 Workout
5.00 PWO, Taurine, BCAA, Glutamine, Creatine. Isolate,Dex
6.00 Lean Protein, Oatmeal. Saw palmetto 2
8.30 Lean Protein, veg, Coconut Oil, EFA, Lecithin, Liv 52. Vit c
11.00 Lean Protein, veg, Flax, Vit C. Lecithin
1.15 Lean Protein, veg, Flax, Vit C. Lecithin
Home – Micellar Casein, EFA, Liv52
I may chane the 8.30 to a lean protein carb meal but I am quite sensitive to carbs and will monitor this as i go. I want to avoid any sloppy weight gain. I will not be consuming any cheat meals. I have not had a cheat meal in over a year. I do not drink alcohol ever and I no longer smoke (gave up a year ago). as you can see I love oatmeal. I buy jumbo organic oats and eat them with cinnamon, splenda, a soop of whey and some low GI dried fruit (prunes,apple,blueberries,apricots). Lean protein consists of Chicken,Tuna,Lean beef mince,lean steak, egg whites, Smoked mackerel, and occasionaly soya protein.
The reason I get up late and got to bed late is that i work 6 nights a week as a doorman in clubs not because im a lazy SOB!
I am very serious about winning this competition. My family have stuck by me with my obsessive dieting and schedule and I would like to have something to show for all this to make them proud. Feel free to add constuctive crits and any advice especially nearer the comp for cutting and prep are all greatly appreciated. I have included some pics which were taken by my stepson hence the slightly dubious quality but you get the idea!!