I ended up getting gyno from my TRT treatment following Swale's protocols and I am following Bino's guide to treat it. I was just bumping up to 4IU's a day but then was told that I should drop the HGH if I have gyno. Is this true? It makes sense if its a tumor. I have a small lump under my right nip and a smaller one on my left. Feels more like a gland if anything and it seems to get mushier I guess as each day passes with the Letro or it could just be all in my head.
Since I dropped my HGH which hasn't even been a week and been on the Letrozole for 2 weeks at 2.5mg my joints are killing me especially the tendonitis in my elbow. I want to get back on the HGH but want to know if I should or not or just wait till the gyno subsides.