Aright guys Im still planning my cycle and have a lot of time to perfect it, probly not starting the HGH till Sept. then whatever other gear at least 4 weeks after that. I have a lot of cycle experience at least 6-7 under my belt with HGH use. Current stats 6 foot, 235lb, 9% bf. I will be looking to gain 100% quality muscle with this cycle, havent worked out my diet yet for it but Im planning on moderate carbs maybe 250-300g ed, 400g protein, I still ahve time to work that out. What does everyone think of this? Would I be better off running another compound along with the prop/tbol. And is my timing (by weeks) accurate for HGH/IGF? Any input is appreciated.
Wk 1: 2iu HGH (5 on/2 off)
Wk 2: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off)
Wk 3: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off)
Wk 4: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off)
Wk 5: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), 40-60mcg IGF1 LR3 (pwo), 100mg prop ed, 90mg Tbol
Wk 6: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), 40-60mcg IGF1 LR3 (pwo), 100mg prop ed, 90mg Tbol
Wk 7: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), 40-60mcg IGF1 LR3 (pwo), 100mg prop ed, 90mg Tbol
Wk 8: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), 40-60mcg IGF1 LR3 (pwo), 100mg prop ed, 90mg Tbol
Wk 9: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), 100mg prop ed, 90mg Tbol
Wk 10: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), 100mg prop ed, 90mg Tbol
Wk 11: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), begin PCT 3rd day after last prop shot
Wk 12: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), PCT
Wk 13: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), PCT, 40-60mcg IGF1 LR3
Wk 14: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), PCT, 40-60mcg IGF1 LR3
Wk 15: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), 40-60mcg IGF1 LR3
Wk 16: 4iu HGH (5 on/2 off), 40-60mcg IGF1 LR3
Possibly extending HGH to Wk 20?