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Thread: test and deca question

  1. #1

    test and deca question

    ok this is my first cycle i am eating right and hitting the gym 5 days aweek i have read and read and made sure i am on the right track.

    i am using 275mg test at 2.5cc's aweek and i am not sure of the deca right now but i am using 1cc aweek.I am on week 3 of the deca and week 6 of test.

    i just started feeling alot stronger and lifting a noticable amount of weight difference just this week is the the deca kicking in?

    alos i have been told i will notice my biggest gains between week 5-11? is this true.

    ok and when i am done with this cycle how long should i clean out before i start a winny cycle to cut down? and what should i run in the winny cycle?

    you all have been realy helpfull so far thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    in the undertow
    my first cycle was similar, I was used 500mg sustanon and 400mg deca started both at the same time.

    yes biggest gains are in weeks 4,5-10,11

    dont worry about winny or cutting just yet, do you have what you need for your post cycle therapy?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by bgizzeal
    ok this is my first cycle i am eating right and hitting the gym 5 days aweek i have read and read and made sure i am on the right track.

    i am using 275mg test at 2.5cc's aweek and i am not sure of the deca right now but i am using 1cc aweek.I am on week 3 of the deca and week 6 of test.

    i just started feeling alot stronger and lifting a noticable amount of weight difference just this week is the the deca kicking in?

    alos i have been told i will notice my biggest gains between week 5-11? is this true.

    ok and when i am done with this cycle how long should i clean out before i start a winny cycle to cut down? and what should i run in the winny cycle?

    you all have been realy helpfull so far thanks!

    well IMO you should have ran the deca from week 1 with the test since you are in week 6 already and I imagine you are running a 12 week cycle .. also how come you dont know the deca Mg dosage ? deca should be run for at least 10 weeks and test 12 weeks also what do you plain for pct? are you running a anti e ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    Quote Originally Posted by bgizzeal
    i am using 275mg test at 2.5cc's aweek and i am not sure of the deca right now but i am using 1cc aweek.I am on week 3 of the deca and week 6 of test.

    i just started feeling alot stronger and lifting a noticable amount of weight difference just this week is the the deca kicking in?

    alos i have been told i will notice my biggest gains between week 5-11? is this true.

    ok and when i am done with this cycle how long should i clean out before i start a winny cycle to cut down? and what should i run in the winny cycle?

    you all have been realy helpfull so far thanks!

    Its the test kicking in...

    You really dont know what dose of deca your on?

    My biggest gains are from 6-10.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    I would have just run the sust for now. But seeings how your already into it, keep the deca the same....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I need your stats pronto . lol... height, age, weight, bf,

    I agree with V Vandetta i think you kinda screwed up and should have ran the Deca from week 1 , this being your first cycle i woudlnt advise using winstrol yet.....harsh on the joints although ( deca would help) I would advise to save the winstrol for another cycle.. and just hit the Test / Deca .. your gains will be great if you have proper nutrition, and bust your a## in the gym....

    The rule is how long your on.. is how long your off....

  7. #7
    the deca is 300mg i am only running 1 cc a week allthough i am fixing to start every 4 days i think!

    i have talked to a few people about some stuff for post treatment what do you guys recomend lol i dont want to be balled up in the corning with depression or something lol!

    it seems i am actually losing weight now??? is that weird?

    i am also curious about water weight how much do i realy have now and will it go away when i come off?

    another question i still havent got a good straight answer is how much of my gains will i keep if i continue to work out hard when i come off?

    thanks you guys have been a big help

    oh yea by the way i am 6'1" 244 i am 23

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