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Thread: What Should I do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    What Should I do?

    Well basically, I'm 5'10, 152 lbs, and 6 % bodyfat. I've been working out since Junior high, but this past year I have really slacked off (damn girlfriends) and have just started getting back into Bodybuilding. In the past I had done two cycles of steroids (Which I regret at this age), but luckily, no long term side effects stayed with me. Oh, and I'm 18. I'm headed into College and am planning on taking gymnastics as a way to gain flexibiliy. But enough about my background... I had just heard on television about IGF-1 and was intrigued. I decided to come back to this website (Which has helped me a lot) and found that you can buy that and similar stuff from a website. I was wondering if this stuff would be negative for me at this age, or if the negativity applied to all ages. Also, if it isn't that harmful, which would be best for me? Reasonably priced? I'm basically an Ecto-Mesomorph as in I have long thin muscles and a low bodyfat, but can gain muscle easily. So, any help would be great.

    - Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Also, I was curious as to if the Melanotan II works. I am able to get tan (Just recently found out, hah) but I have a really white complexion and do not want to run the risk of getting skin cancer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Melanotan definetly works for a lot of people...but long term side effects really aren't known. IGF will not mess with your natural hormone production but it is still nothing to be taken lightly. If you gain muscle easily there should be no reason to use anything. I would go natural for as long as possible and I would DEFINETLY stay away from anabolics at your age+weight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Alright thank you. I was planning on using nothing besides Green Bulge and White Blood. But I saw this and just wanted opinions.

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    You are still young, you should take advantage of the gains you can gain naturally. You are def too young for ASS or any other kind of drug that will give you a boost.

    What you mean is porbably IGF1 LR3. The stuff is good, but many don't rate it, so you won't know until you try, but as I said, IMO you are way too young to start using any kind of drugs. Just eat well and hit the gym regularly, it will pay of.

    P.S. Yes the ladies do seem to f**k it up for us.


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