The point i was tryin to make was when someone has gyno or other problems with fat, i know i would go to any lenght to get rid of it the easy and fastest way, just like people that have no experence with AS, and start doin stupid sh!t without research, it's an involved procedure that needs to be looked at by a doctor.. i have done quite a bit of research on this and just like anything else you put into your body you can have very bad results, the internet is a great place for info, but sometimes it's just to easy to get your hands on dangrous things.. Im sorry if i insulted you, but the though of someone buying the kit or getting it any other way and poking themselfs full of holes scares the sh!t out of me, it was ment as a scare tatic, gyno is bad enough but to end up disforming your body, and have gyno would really suck... Again my apoliges..