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Thread: A suggestion for steroid peptides

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    albuquerque, nm

    A suggestion for steroid peptides

    Any prospect of you guys looking into adding bremelanotide aks pt-141 to your product line? I have been reading real exciting things about it on another board devoted primarily to melanotan use. I ordered 10 mg of bremelanotide today to see if it lives up to the hype. If thew stuff works as advertized it would be real popular with us over 50 bros.

    For those of you unfamiliar with the stuff, its supposed to produce major wood and substantially enhance sexual pleasure. Its chemically related to melanotan 2. Just the sort of thing my wife would like me to spend money on. If I make her happy she will get me a SIG P239 for xmas.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by comradebillyboy
    Any prospect of you guys looking into adding bremelanotide aks pt-141 to your product line? I have been reading real exciting things about it on another board devoted primarily to melanotan use. I ordered 10 mg of bremelanotide today to see if it lives up to the hype. If thew stuff works as advertized it would be real popular with us over 50 bros.

    For those of you unfamiliar with the stuff, its supposed to produce major wood and substantially enhance sexual pleasure. Its chemically related to melanotan 2. Just the sort of thing my wife would like me to spend money on. If I make her happy she will get me a SIG P239 for xmas.
    It is possible. I got the sequences for it so no problem.

    There are so many peptides outhere that can be beneficial to us such : obestatin, EPO mimecking peptide and more.



  3. #3
    oh yeah also: CJC-1295


  4. #4
    I think the addition of either Nicotine or Yohimbe would be good to use with TargeX. Maybe call it TargeXY or something....I made a nice transdermal like that for my figure girl ( a figure girl I worked with), and it was very good for her. I wonder what the legality of adding Nicotine into TargeX would be? It's a very potent metabolism enhancer, as well as a decent AI.

    I bring this up because I ended up having to make my own Yohimbe/AI transdermal for her because I really think that the products currently on the market just weren't dosed or formulated optimally.

    Specifically, I think that the transdermal AI offered by Anafit is total garbage and has given too many people a rash (besides being totally ineffective for preventing gyno), and their Yohimbe product just doesn't measure up to the one produced by AvantLabs (who actually came out with theirs first, as I recall) I wanted to add in my own additional goodies to the formula.
    Last edited by Property of; 09-22-2006 at 08:50 AM.

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